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Anonymous 1123
I see [this question]( 


 How can draw it?
Top Answer
user 3.14159
It is possible to draw something that comes somewhat close with Ti*k*Z. However, unless you absolutely need vector graphics, you may be better off with `asymptote` for such pictures.
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={R=2;Rp=3;h=1.5;H=4;alpha=80;},
 \path[3d/install view={phi=125-alpha,psi=0,theta=75}]
  (1,0,0) coordinate(ex') (0,1,0) coordinate(ey');
 \begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=125,psi=0,theta=75}]
  \draw[->]	(-3,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
  \path (1,0,0) coordinate(ex) (0,1,0) coordinate(ey)
   (0,0,1) coordinate(ez) (0,0,h) coordinate (h);
  \path[3d/visible/.style={store path=vc},3d/hidden/.style={draw=none}] 
 	 pic{3d/circle on sphere={R=R,P={(0,0,0)},n={({-sin(alpha)},{cos(alpha)},0)}}};	
  \path [stored path/first coordinate of=vc] coordinate (vc-0)
   [stored path/last coordinate of=vc] coordinate (vc-1);
  % background sphere 
  \path[3d/screen coords,ball color=red!30,transform canvas={rotate=90},
  	name path=sphere] (0,0) circle[radius=R];
  % plane inside the cone
  \path[fill=teal,opacity=0.8,x={(ex')},canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) -- (0,\myh)  --
  	(Rp,\myh) -- cycle;
  % cone 	
  \path[3d/cone/inner/.style={left color=gray!50,right color=gray!40,
  	middle color=gray!20,on layer=background,fill opacity=0.8},
	3d/cone/outer/.style={left color=gray!70!black,right color=gray!90!black,
  	middle color=gray!30,fill opacity=0.8},
	3d/visible/.append style={name path global=cone}] 
	(0,0,\myh) pic{3d/cone={r=Rp,h=-\myh}}; 
  % complicated sphere segment
  \path[name intersections={of=sphere and cone,by={i0,i1}}];
  \path[canvas is xy plane at z=h,store path=s1] 
    let \p1=(i1),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} in
	(i1) arc[start angle=\n1,end angle=0,radius=\r];
  \path[canvas is xz plane at y=0,store path=s2]  
   (\myangle:R) arc[start angle=\myangle,end angle=0,radius=R];
  \path[canvas is xy plane at z=0,store path=s3]  
   (0:R) arc[start angle=0,end angle=alpha,radius=R];
  \path[x={(ex')},canvas is xz plane at y=0,store path=s4]  
   let \p1=(vc-0),\n1={atan2(\x1,\y1)} in 
   (R,0)  arc[start angle=0,end angle=90-\n1,radius=R];
  \path[3d/screen coords,store path=s5]  
   let \p1=(vc-0),\n1={atan2(\x1,\y1)},
   \p2=(i1),\n2={atan2(\x2,\y2)} in 
   (90-\n1:R) arc[start angle=90-\n1,end angle=-270-\n2,radius=R];
  \path[fill=teal,opacity=0.8,x={(ex')},canvas is xz plane at y=0] 
  	(0,-\myh) -- (0,0)  --
  	(Rp,\myh) -- (H,\myh) -- (H,-\myh) -- cycle;
  \draw[x={(ex')},canvas is xz plane at y=0,magenta,thick]  
   (0,0) -- (4,{4*\myh/Rp});
   \clip[stored path/restore path=s1,stored path/append path/.list={s2,s3,s4,s5}]; 
   \path[3d/screen coords,ball color=red!80] 
    (0,0) circle[radius=R];
![Screen Shot 2021-03-13 at 6.22.42 AM.png](/image?hash=c274ca9ab6a589d2770ab81df50c7a78147232cfe3e66f97aef0dc97b6d5a0ec)

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