\documentclass[a4paper]{book} %<- works fine with beamerarticle
%\documentclass[a4paper]{tufte-book} %<- endless compilation with beamerarticle
\chapter{A chapter}
\frametitle{Random frame title}
Just a frame
\section{A section}
\chapter{Another chapter}
Top Answer
I think the problem is that beamer and tufte define the `\title` etc. macros differently and when you load the `beamerarticle` package, it overwrites the definition from tufte and then tufte is surprised when it tries to make the title
To work around the problem, you can use tufte's definition again after loading `beamerarticle`:
% TODO store contents of \thanks command
\renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{}% swallow \thanks contents
{\renewcommand{\plaintitle}{\thanklesstitle}}% use thankless title
{\renewcommand{\plaintitle}{#1}}% use provided plain-text title
{}% hyperref is not loaded; do nothing
{\hypersetup{pdftitle={\plaintitle}}}% set the PDF metadata title
% TODO store contents of \thanks command
\renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{}% swallow \thanks contents
{\renewcommand{\plainauthor}{\thanklessauthor}}% use thankless author
{\renewcommand{\plainauthor}{#1}}% use provided plain-text author
{}% hyperref is not loaded; do nothing
{\hypersetup{pdfauthor={\plainauthor}}}% set the PDF metadata author