tikz add tag
Anonymous 1123
I read Johnson solid at [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_solid). By using *Mathematica* with syntax
`PolyhedronData[{"Johnson", 80}, {"Vertices", "Faces"}]` I got
{{{-2.19149, -0.351484, -0.244698}, {-2.10378, -0.155834, 
   0.732046}, {-2.04429, 0.501655, -0.745182}, {-1.90236, 0.818222, 
   0.835221}, {-1.86559, 
   1.22457, -0.0777559}, {-1.79587, -0.866028, -1.00544}, {-1.64867, \
-0.0128901, -1.50592}, {-1.56623, -0.353811, 1.55171}, {-1.44725, 
   0.961166, -1.40275}, {-1.36482, 0.620245, 1.65488}, {-1.26855, 
   1.68408, -0.735321}, {-1.21761, 1.47338, 1.1544}, {-1.18084, 
   0.241422}, {-1.06803, -1.50293, -1.2596}, {-0.829841, -0.122523, \
-2.0694}, {-0.784177, -0.869794, 1.90121}, {-0.628423, 
   0.851534, -1.96623}, {-0.470986, -1.04342, -1.91716}, {-0.458277, 
   0.706262, 2.06815}, {-0.339292, 2.02124, -0.886307}, {-0.31107, 
   1.5594, 1.56766}, {-0.28597, -2.01891, -0.9101}, {-0.251577, 
   2.21689, 0.0904368}, {-0.0994221, -0.214633, 
   2.22039}, {-0.0563312, -1.5067, 1.64705}, {0.0563312, 
   1.5067, -1.64705}, {0.0994221, 
   0.214633, -2.22039}, {0.251577, -2.21689, -0.0904368}, {0.28597, 
   0.9101}, {0.31107, -1.5594, -1.56766}, {0.339292, -2.02124, 
   0.886307}, {0.458277, -0.706262, -2.06815}, {0.470986, 1.04342, 
   1.91716}, {0.628423, -0.851534, 1.96623}, {0.784177, 
   0.869794, -1.90121}, {0.829841, 0.122523, 2.0694}, {1.06803, 
   1.2596}, {1.18084, -1.87973, -0.241422}, {1.21761, -1.47338, \
-1.1544}, {1.26855, -1.68408, 
   0.735321}, {1.36482, -0.620245, -1.65488}, {1.44725, -0.961166, 
   1.40275}, {1.56623, 0.353811, -1.55171}, {1.64867, 0.0128901, 
   1.50592}, {1.79587, 0.866028, 1.00544}, {1.86559, -1.22457, 
   0.0777559}, {1.90236, -0.818222, -0.835221}, {2.04429, -0.501655, 
   0.745182}, {2.10378, 0.155834, -0.732046}, {2.19149, 0.351484, 
   0.244698}}, {{23, 20, 11, 13}, {13, 11, 5}, {11, 9, 3, 5}, {20, 26,
    17, 9, 11}, {9, 7, 3}, {3, 7, 6, 1}, {17, 15, 7, 9}, {17, 27, 
   15}, {27, 32, 18, 15}, {15, 18, 14, 6, 7}, {32, 30, 18}, {18, 30, 
   22, 14}, {13, 5, 4, 12}, {12, 4, 10}, {4, 2, 8, 10}, {5, 3, 1, 2, 
   4}, {25, 16, 8, 2, 1, 6, 14, 22, 28, 31}, {12, 10, 19, 21}, {21, 
   19, 33}, {19, 24, 36, 33}, {10, 8, 16, 24, 19}, {24, 34, 36}, {36, 
   34, 42, 44}, {16, 25, 34, 24}, {25, 31, 40, 42, 34}, {31, 28, 38, 
   40}, {21, 33, 37, 29}, {29, 37, 45, 50, 49, 43, 35, 26, 20, 
   23}, {33, 36, 44, 45, 37}, {44, 48, 50, 45}, {44, 42, 48}, {42, 40,
    46, 48}, {48, 46, 47, 49, 50}, {40, 38, 46}, {46, 38, 39, 
   47}, {26, 35, 27, 17}, {49, 47, 41, 43}, {43, 41, 32, 27, 35}, {47,
    39, 41}, {41, 39, 30, 32}, {23, 13, 12, 21, 29}, {39, 38, 28, 22, 
How can I draw 80'th Johnson solid by using data of Mathematica?
Top Answer
user 3.14159
Here are some keys that allow you to import both lists.
\usetikzlibrary{3dtools} % https://github.com/marmotghost/tikz-3dtools
\tikzset{3d/.cd,% may become part of 3dtools if sufficiently tested
reset vertex counter/.code={\c@pgf@counta0\relax},
add vertex/.code={\advance\c@pgf@counta by1\relax
\path (#1) coordinate (\the\c@pgf@counta);},
define vertices/.code={\c@pgf@counta0\relax
\tikzset{3d/add vertex/.list={#1}}},%
append vertices/.code={\tikzset{3d/add vertex/.list={#1}}},%
create face from vertices/.code={\let\pgfutil@tmpa\relax%
\edef\pgfutil@tmpa{{(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/name prefix}\pgfutil@tmpb)}}%
\edef\pgfutil@tmpa{\pgfutil@tmpa,{(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/name prefix}\pgfutil@tmpb)}}%
\tikzset{3d/polyhedron/draw face with corners/.expanded=\pgfutil@tmpa}%
create faces from vertex list/.style={/tikz/3d/polyhedron/create face from vertices/.list={#1}}%
\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[same bounding box=A,line cap=round,line join=round,
	3d/install view={phi=\Angle,psi=0,theta=70}]
 % step 1: define vertices (with an optional name prefix)
 \tikzset{name prefix=V,%<- used for all vertices
 	3d/define vertices/.expanded={\lstV}}
 % step 2: define faces
 % step 3: draw polyhedron
	fore layer=foreground,back layer=background, 
	fore/.append style={fill opacity=0.7},  
	back/.append style={fill opacity=0.7}, 
 	create faces from vertex list/.expanded={\lstFaces}}
 \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\mydim}{dim({\lstV})} % number of vertices
 \foreach \X in {1,...,\mydim}
  {\edef\p{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/name prefix}\X}
   \draw[fill=black,on layer=background] (\p) %node[above,scale=0.3]{$\p$} 
	  circle[radius=0.8 pt];
   \draw[fill=black,on layer=foreground] (\p) %node[above,scale=0.3]{$\p$} 
   circle[radius=0.8 pt];

These keys have been added to the [`3dtools` library](https://github.com/marmotghost/tikz-3dtools). So with the most recent version you can use a shorter code.
\usetikzlibrary{3dtools} % https://github.com/marmotghost/tikz-3dtools
\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[same bounding box=A,line cap=round,line join=round,
	3d/install view={phi=\Angle,psi=0,theta=70}]
 % step 1: define vertices (with an optional name prefix)
 \tikzset{name prefix=V,%<- used for all vertices
 	3d/define vertices/.expanded={\lstV}}
 % step 2: define faces
 % step 3: draw polyhedron
	fore layer=foreground,back layer=background, 
	fore/.append style={fill opacity=0.7},  
	back/.append style={fill opacity=0.7}, 
 	create faces from vertex list/.expanded={\lstFaces}}
 \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\mydim}{dim({\lstV})} % number of vertices
 \foreach \X in {1,...,\mydim}
  {\edef\p{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/name prefix}\X}
   \draw[fill=black,on layer=background] (\p) %node[above,scale=0.3]{$\p$} 
	  circle[radius=0.8 pt];
   \draw[fill=black,on layer=foreground] (\p) %node[above,scale=0.3]{$\p$} 
   circle[radius=0.8 pt];

This does seem to work with arbitrary convex polyhedra. Notice that you may want to always remove spaces in `\lstFaces`, Ti*k*Z allows spaces in coordinate names, and they are created without spaces in `3d/define vertices`.
\usetikzlibrary{3dtools} % https://github.com/marmotghost/tikz-3dtools
\foreach \Angle in {55} % {5,15,...,355}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[same bounding box=A,line cap=round,line join=round,
	3d/install view={phi=\Angle,psi=0,theta=70}]
 % step 1: define vertices (with an optional name prefix)
 \tikzset{name prefix=V,%<- used for all vertices
 	3d/define vertices/.expanded={\lstV}}
 % step 2: define faces
 % step 3: draw polyhedron
	fore layer=foreground,back layer=background, 
	fore/.append style={fill opacity=0.7},  
	back/.append style={fill opacity=0.7}, 
 	create faces from vertex list/.expanded={\lstFaces}}
 \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\mydim}{dim({\lstV})} % number of vertices
 \foreach \X in {1,...,\mydim}
  {\edef\p{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/name prefix}\X}
   \draw[fill=black,on layer=background] (\p) %node[above,scale=0.3]{$\p$} 
	  circle[radius=0.8 pt];
   \draw[fill=black,on layer=foreground] (\p) %node[above,scale=0.3]{$\p$} 
   circle[radius=0.8 pt];
![Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 7.30.55 AM.png](/image?hash=0a6c7d887938d73b6c68f55a0dab86127237a41a25bba11293f5f901cb04c9a0)

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