beamer add tag
Arne (imported from SE)

    \lecture{lecture 1}{week 1}
    see Lecture \ref{week 1}

This yields 


yet it would be nice to have something like "see Lecture 'lecture 1'", so printing the title of the lecture with label "week 1".

Any ideas how to implement this? Ideally, this should be compatible with cross-referencing and `\includeonlylecture` as explained at [TeXSE](

**Icing on the cake** would be the following: having a macro `\lectureref{label}`, where label is a `\label{}-label` on a frame within the scope of a `\lecture{}-lecture`.

Top Answer
One can add the ability to `\nameref` a beamer lecture with this little trick:




\lecture{lecture 1}{weeka}

see Lecture \nameref{weeka}


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