beamer add tag
Brian Fitzpatrick (imported from SE)
I'm working on a long beamer document and each frame has lots of overlays. To make my workflow faster, I'm using `handout` mode. However, sometimes when I'm working on a frame I want to test whether or not the overlays are working properly. I'm curious if it is possible to activate overlays for a single frame in `handout` mode.

Here is a MWE:

      \frametitle{Happy Without Overlays Here}
      \begin{block}{First Block}<+->
        Foo bar.
      \begin{block}{Second Block}<+->
        Foo bar.
      \frametitle{I Want Overlays Here}
      \begin{block}{First Block}<+->
        Foo \pause bar.
      \begin{block}{Second Block}<+->
        Spam \pause eggs.
      \frametitle{Also Happy Without Overlays Here}
      \begin{block}{First Block}<+->
        Foo bar.
      \begin{block}{Second Block}<+->
        Foo bar.

Top Answer
One can manually switch to normal beamer mode for the desired frame:




  \frametitle{Happy Without Overlays Here}

  \begin{block}{First Block}<+->
    Foo bar.

  \begin{block}{Second Block}<+->
    Foo bar.





  \frametitle{I Want Overlays Here}

  \begin{block}{First Block}<+->
    Foo \pause bar.

  \begin{block}{Second Block}<+->
    Spam \pause eggs.



  \frametitle{Also Happy Without Overlays Here}
  \begin{block}{First Block}<+->
    Foo bar.

  \begin{block}{Second Block}<+->
    Foo bar.



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