biblatex add tag
Look at the following MWE -

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}
  title         =  {Test article},
  author        =  {Tambe, Niranjan Vikas},
  date          =  {2021-01},
  journaltitle  =  {TopAnswers},
  series        =  {1}
  title         =  {Test article 2},
  author        =  {Tambe, Niranjan Vikas},
  date          =  {2021-02},
  journaltitle  =  {TopAnswers},
  series        =  {2}




In the output we see -


Instead of `2021a` and `2021b` if I want something else (e.g. `2021-x` & `2021-y`) is it possible to get it with some `renewcommand`s? Also is it possible to provide a list of strings (i.e. `w x y z`) for chronologically adding them after the redundant year? (e.g. `2021-w` > `2021-x` > `2021-y` > `2021-z`)
Top Answer
Here is something to change the first three labels for the extrayear. You can add more if-clauses if you need more.

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}
  title         =  {Test article},
  author        =  {Tambe, Niranjan Vikas},
  date          =  {2021-01},
  journaltitle  =  {TopAnswers},
  series        =  {1}
  title         =  {Test article 2},
  author        =  {Tambe, Niranjan Vikas},
  date          =  {2021-02},
  journaltitle  =  {TopAnswers},
  series        =  {2}



![Screen Shot 2021-01-17 at 15.05.36.png](/image?hash=f57b4ab95c608860d02c14eaabf7c9cb075ffd16213ed295599186a4b4f2b9ac)

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