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Consider I have a transfer function (polynomial fraction)

a_1*s^n + a_2*s^{n-1} + ... + a_{n-1}*s^1 + a_n
s^N + b_1*s^{N-1} + ... + b_{N-1}*s^1 + b_N

where the denominator order `N` is greater than the numerator order `n`.

I would like to find a robust way to transform it to a matrix `\StateMat` representing the phase variable form of the state-space to have

	{ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , ... , 0 },% 
	{ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , ... , 0 },%
	{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , ... , 0 },%
    % .........................
    { 0 , 0 , 0 , ... , 0 , 1 },%
    { -b_N , -b_{N-1} , ... , -b_1 },%
    { a_n , a_{n-1} , ... , 0 }%

where the matrix is square of dimensions `N+1`*`N+1`.

The expected input from my side is two matrices of the coefficients
	{ a_1 , a_2 , ... , a_n }%
	{ b_1 , b_2 , ... , b_N }%
# Edit (after marmot's answer)

This problem is a part of converting a transfer function into a state space representation for drawing the signal flow graphs introduced here

## Full MWE

\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,
		\pgfkeys{/matrix games/step counta/.list/.expanded={#1}}%
	},step counta/.code={\advance\c@pgf@counta by1\relax},
	create matrix/.code={\edef\pgf@util@tempa{}%
		\foreach \i in {1,...,\pgfkeysvalueof{/matrix games/nrows}}%
		{\foreach \j in {1,...,\pgfkeysvalueof{/matrix games/ncols}}{%
				\pgfkeys{/matrix games/cells}%

	\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,count=\NumCoeffMat}%
	\pgfmathtruncatemacro\myN{\pgfmathresult+1}% now \myN is 1 + the length of \NumCoeffMat
	\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,count=\DenCoeffMat}%
	\pgfmathtruncatemacro\myM{\pgfmathresult}% now \myM is the length of \DenCoeffMat
	\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,ncols=\myN,nrows=\numexpr\myN+1,
			\ifcase\icase% first case: zero unless \i+1=\j
			\or% second case 
			\ifnum\j>\numexpr\myN-1\relax% subcase a) \j >=\myN
			\else% subcase b) \j <\myN (fill in \NumCoeffMat reversed)
			\or% third case  
			\ifnum\j<\numexpr\myM+1\relax% subcase a) \j <=\myM (fill in \DenCoeffMat reversed)
			\else% subcase b) \j > \myN  (fill in zeros)
		create matrix=\StateMat}%
	\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 15 mm,
				mark=at position {0.5} with { 
			postaction={decorate,edge label={#1}}
		}, % make the mark an entry of the \StateMat matrix
		pmark/.code n args={2}{%
			\tikzset{suppress if 0=\myi,edge label={$\myi$},
				amark}% <- changed
		terminal/.style 2 args={draw,alias=ln,circle,inner sep=2pt,label={#1:#2}},
		% semicircle path
		semicircle/.style={to path={let \p1=($(\tikztotarget)-(\tikztostart)$)
				in \ifdim\x1>0pt
				(\tikztostart.north) arc[start angle=180,end angle=0,radius=0.5*\x1]
				(\tikztostart.south) arc[start angle=0,end angle=-180,radius=-0.5*\x1]
		semicircle'/.style={to path={let \p1=($(\tikztotarget)-(\tikztostart)$)
				in \ifdim\x1>0pt
				(\tikztostart.south) arc[start angle=-180,end angle=0,radius=0.5*\x1]
				(\tikztostart.north) arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,radius=-0.5*\x1]
		add key if/.code n args={3}{\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\itest}{(#1?0:1)}%
		},suppress if 0/.style={add key if={#1==0}{opacity=0}{}}
		\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\dimy}{dim({\StateMat})} % number of rows
		\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\dimx}{dim({\StateMat}[0])} % number of columns
		% create the graph
		\path % R node
		node[terminal={left}{$R(S)$},alias={X-\dimy}] (R) {}
		% loop over matrix entries
		foreach \Y [evaluate=\Y as \X using {int(\dimy-\Y)}]
		in {1,...,\numexpr\dimy-1}
		{node[right=of ln,terminal={below right}{% sX_i node
			node[right=of ln,terminal={below right}{% X_i node
			% ege from sX_i to X_i  
			(sX-\X) edge[amark,edge label={$\frac{1}{s}$}] (X-\X)
			% edge from X_{i+1} to X_i  (R had an alias)
			(X-\the\numexpr\X+1) edge[pmark={\X-1}{\X}] (sX-\X)
			% semicircle edge from X_i to sX_i
			(X-\X) edge[semicircle,pmark={\X-1}{\X-1}] (sX-\X)
		node[right=of ln,terminal={right}{$Y(s)$},alias=sX-\dimy](Y){}
		(X-1) edge[pmark={\dimy-1}{0}] (Y) 
		% we are now done with the horizontal part,
		% and have also dealt with the entries on the diagonal and 
		% the {i-1},i entries
		% now we deal with the matrix entries
		foreach \X in {1,...,\the\numexpr\dimx-1}
		{% all edges that end in Y (excluding the horizontal one)
			(X-\X) edge[pmark={\dimx-1}{\X-1},semicircle] (Y) 
			% all edges that start at R (excluding the horizontal one)
			(R) edge[pmark={\X-1}{\dimx-1},semicircle] (sX-\X) 
			% remaining semicircles
			foreach \Y in {\the\numexpr\X+1,...,\dimy} 
			{% backwards pointing semicircles 
				(X-\X) edge[pmark={\Y-1}{\X-1},semicircle] (sX-\Y)
				% forward pointing semicircles
				(X-\Y) edge[swap,pmark={\X-1}{\Y-1},semicircle'] (sX-\X)
Top Answer
user 3.14159
Not sure if this qualifies for an answer. It uses global macros (though hidden ones) etc. This can all be avoided with the `/.list` key handler but the overhead might be too confusing without an explicit manula so this has to wait. 

However, I tried to add some explanations for what is going on so that one can apply this to similar scenarios. There are two steps:
1. count the entries of the two lists `\NumCoeffMat` and `\DenCoeffMat`. This can be done with the `/.list` key handler without introducing explicit global macros (thus falsifying the claims that the Ti*k*Z `foreach` cannot do that, even nesting is fine).
2. use this information to fill the matrix programmatically. (With the `/.list` key handler one can even build LaTeX matrices with `&` and so on, but spelling this out is not relevant for this post.)

\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,
  \pgfkeys{/matrix games/step counta/.list/.expanded={#1}}%
},step counta/.code={\advance\c@pgf@counta by1\relax},
create matrix/.code={\edef\pgf@util@tempa{}%
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pgfkeysvalueof{/matrix games/nrows}}%
{\foreach \j in {1,...,\pgfkeysvalueof{/matrix games/ncols}}{%
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/cells}%
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,count=\DenCoeffMat}%
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\myN{\pgfmathresult}% now \myN is the length of \NumCoeffMat
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,count=\NumCoeffMat}%
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\myM{\pgfmathresult}% now \myM is the length of \DenCoeffMat
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,ncols=\numexpr\myN+1,nrows=\numexpr\myN+1,
	cells/.code={% we now tell the matrix what to do depending on the row index \i
	% and the column index \j
	% there are three cases: 
	% 1. \i<\myN  (the diagonal block)
	% 2. \i=\myN (the row filled with \NumCoeffMat reversed)
	% 3. \i=\myN+1 (the row filled with \DenCoeffMat)
	\ifcase\icase% first case: zero unless \i+1=\j
	\or% second case 
	 \ifnum\j>\numexpr\myN\relax% subcase a) \j >=\myN
	 \else% subcase b) \j <\myN (fill in \NumCoeffMat reversed)
	\or% third case  
	 \ifnum\j<\numexpr\myM+1\relax% subcase a) \j <=\myM (fill in \DenCoeffMat reversed)
	 \else% subcase b) \j > \myN  (fill in zeros)
	create matrix=\StateMat}%

Of course this can be used in other codes.
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,
  \pgfkeys{/matrix games/step counta/.list/.expanded={#1}}%
},step counta/.code={\advance\c@pgf@counta by1\relax},
create matrix/.code={\edef\pgf@util@tempa{}%
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pgfkeysvalueof{/matrix games/nrows}}%
{\foreach \j in {1,...,\pgfkeysvalueof{/matrix games/ncols}}{%
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/cells}%
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,count=\DenCoeffMat}%
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\myN{\pgfmathresult}% now \myN is the length of \NumCoeffMat
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,count=\NumCoeffMat}%
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\myM{\pgfmathresult}% now \myM is the length of \DenCoeffMat
\pgfkeys{/matrix games/.cd,ncols=\numexpr\myN+1,nrows=\numexpr\myN+1,
	cells/.code={% we now tell the matrix what to do depending on the row index \i
	\ifcase\icase% first case: zero unless \i+1=\j
	\or% second case 
	\or% third case  
	create matrix=\StateMat}%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 15 mm,
                mark=at position {0.5} with { 
            postaction={decorate,edge label={#1}}
        }, % make the mark an entry of the \mmat matrix
        pmark/.code n args={2}{%
		\tikzset{suppress if 0=\myi,edge label={$\myi$},
			amark}% <- changed
        terminal/.style 2 args={draw,alias=ln,circle,inner sep=2pt,label={#1:#2}},
        % semicircle path
        semicircle/.style={to path={let \p1=($(\tikztotarget)-(\tikztostart)$)
            in \ifdim\x1>0pt
              (\tikztostart.north) arc[start angle=180,end angle=0,radius=0.5*\x1]
              (\tikztostart.south) arc[start angle=0,end angle=-180,radius=-0.5*\x1]
        semicircle'/.style={to path={let \p1=($(\tikztotarget)-(\tikztostart)$)
            in \ifdim\x1>0pt
              (\tikztostart.south) arc[start angle=-180,end angle=0,radius=0.5*\x1]
              (\tikztostart.north) arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,radius=-0.5*\x1]
		add key if/.code n args={3}{\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\itest}{(#1?0:1)}%
		},suppress if 0/.style={add key if={#1==0}{opacity=0}{}}
        \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\dimy}{dim({\mmat})} % number of rows
        \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\dimx}{dim({\mmat}[0])} % number of columns
        % create the graph
        \path % R node
        node[terminal={left}{$R(S)$},alias={X-\dimy}] (R) {}
        % loop over matrix entries
        foreach \Y [evaluate=\Y as \X using {int(\dimy-\Y)}]
        in {1,...,\numexpr\dimy-1}
        {node[right=of ln,terminal={below right}{% sX_i node
        node[right=of ln,terminal={below right}{% X_i node
        % ege from sX_i to X_i  
        (sX-\X) edge[amark,edge label={$\frac{1}{s}$}] (X-\X)
        % edge from X_{i+1} to X_i  (R had an alias)
        (X-\the\numexpr\X+1) edge[pmark={\X-1}{\X}] (sX-\X)
        % semicircle edge from X_i to sX_i
        (X-\X) edge[semicircle,pmark={\X-1}{\X-1}] (sX-\X)
        node[right=of ln,terminal={right}{$Y(s)$},alias=sX-\dimy](Y){}
        (X-1) edge[pmark={\dimy-1}{0}] (Y) 
		% we are now done with the horizontal part,
		% and have also dealt with the entries on the diagonal and 
		% the {i-1},i entries
		% now we deal with the matrix entries
		foreach \X in {1,...,\the\numexpr\dimx-1}
		{% all edges that end in Y (excluding the horizontal one)
		(X-\X) edge[pmark={\dimx-1}{\X-1},semicircle] (Y) 
		% all edges that start at R (excluding the horizontal one)
		(R) edge[pmark={\X-1}{\dimx-1},semicircle] (sX-\X) 
		% remaining semicircles
 		foreach \Y in {\the\numexpr\X+1,...,\dimy} 
 		{% backwards pointing semicircles 
		  (X-\X) edge[pmark={\Y-1}{\X-1},semicircle] (sX-\Y)
		% forward pointing semicircles
 		(X-\Y) edge[swap,pmark={\X-1}{\Y-1},semicircle'] (sX-\X)
![Screen Shot 2020-12-31 at 8.23.01 AM.png](/image?hash=255cbf3cdc2b3eff627dfd297a06dd221de65269ba4591c95077489e95f37dfe)

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