tikz add tag
Anonymous 1123
Sometimes, I have to present the points `(x,y)` so that `2x + 3y + 6>0` or `x+1<0` and `x+y>0` in the same system of coordinates. How can I do it?

![ScreenHunter 1051.png](/image?hash=efba547da9f7adbcb76d360d15e41be26eb2e864aee96b41f0978a260e60cb47)
![ScreenHunter 1052.png](/image?hash=1644b7d8356d81e2ee372743b6523045ba2dc82d7e4851c1a7cbd84a37ed72e7)
Top Answer
user 3.14159
This is basic version, I consider adding some `pgfplots` version later. It defines a pic that takes the coefficients `a`, `b` and `c` as arguments and has a few more keys to play with. It also has a very rudimentary key `constraint`, which can be used as e.g.

which allows you to put in the constraint as an equation, but this key does not deal with any special cases as of now.
\tikzset{bullet/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1.2pt},
	pics/linear constraint/.style={code={\tikzset{linear constraint/.cd,#1}
	\def\pv##1{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/linear constraint/##1}}
	 \typeout{No meaningful condition because both a and b are zero.} 
	 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=-plot]	
	  \clip (\pv{xmin},\pv{ymin}) rectangle (\pv{xmax},\pv{ymax});
	  \path[rotate=\myalpha+180,linear constraint/excluded] 
    	 (\myc,\amax) -- (\myc,\amin) -- (\ah,\amin) -- (\ah,\amax) -- cycle; 
	  \draw[thick,rotate=\myalpha+180] (\myc,\amax) -- (\myc,\amin);	
	   \path (-1*\pv{c}/\pv{a},0) node[bullet]{};
	   \path (0,-1*\pv{c}/\pv{b}) node[bullet]{};
	 \path (-plot.north) 
  	   node[above,linear constraint/annotation]{$\ifnum\itest=1
	\draw[-stealth] (\pv{xmin},0) -- (\pv{xmax},0) 
			node[below left]{\contour{white}{$x$}};
	\draw[-stealth] (0,\pv{ymin}) -- (0,\pv{ymax}) 
			node[below left]{\contour{white}{$y$}};		
	}},linear constraint/.cd,a/.initial=1,b/.initial=0,c/.initial=0,
	constraint/.code args={#1x#2y#3>0}{\tikzset{linear constraint/.cd,

	\path pic{linear constraint={a=2,b=3,c=6,
		excluded/.append style={pattern color=red},	
		annotation/.append style={yshift=1.5em,red}}};		

	\path pic{linear constraint={constraint={2x+3y+6>0},
		excluded/.append style={pattern color=red},	
		annotation/.append style={yshift=1.5em,red}}};		

	\path pic{linear constraint={a=-1,b=0,c=-1,
		excluded/.append style={pattern color=red},	
		annotation/.append style={yshift=1.5em,red}}}
	 pic{linear constraint={a=1,b=1,c=0,
	 	excluded/.append style={pattern color=blue},	
		annotation/.append style={blue}}};		

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