tikz add tag
Diaa (imported from SE)
Why do I get this error of `missing \begin{document}` in the log file `therect.log` of the externally built image `threct.pdf`?

P.S. I am sorry for not fully cleaning the code of repeated package loading and unnecessary packages.


	\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1em, y=1em,blue]
		\draw (0,0) rectangle node{Diaa} (4,4);




% https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=1562#a1814
	\immediate\write\@mainaux{\string\expandafter\xdef\noexpand\csname pgfk@/tikz/external/watch/stored/#1\string\endcsname{#2}}}%
	\ifcsname pgfk@/tikz/external/watch/stored/#1\endcsname
	\edef#2{\csname pgfk@/tikz/external/watch/stored/#1\endcsname}%
\tikzset{external/watch/.cd,store/.code 2 args={%
	get/.code 2 args={\tikz@external@watch@get@from@aux{#1}{#2}},
	font size/.code={\tikzset{external/watch/get={font size}{\pgfutil@tempa},
			external/watch/store={font size}{\f@size}}%
		\tikzset{/tikz/external/force remake}%

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/482560/2288
% https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=1605&id=85129#c85129
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/576077/2288
\NewDocumentCommand{\inputtikz}{ m m }{%
	}{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/383190/2288
		\typeout{Error: Missing file: #1}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, shapes, calc, positioning, patterns, decorations, decorations.markings, quotes, fpu, patterns, decorations.pathmorphing}

% for DC Motor Circuit Drawing
		\draw[thin,->] (-0.2,-0.2)  to [out=-60,in=60, looseness=4] ++(0,0.4) node [above=1mm] {\tikzpictext};

\usepackage[xparse,breakable,raster,skins]{tcolorbox}% xparse,breakable
\tcbset{shield externalize}



% https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=1605&id=85129#c85129
	watch/font size, 
	export = false,


Top Answer
This error is a result of having a space in the file name of the main document.

Furthermore, when dealing with the external library of tikz spaces are so notorious and explosive (when used in the names of `main file`, `\tikzsetnextfilename`, `*.tikz` file) and give completely incomprehensible errors as the one in my question.

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