tikz add tag
Anonymous 1535
I have this code:

  title=Mr.\ Foo Bar,
  sidebyside align=top,
  lower separated=false]
  \textbf{Bio} \\
  Test bio here
  \textbf{Goals} \\
  \item Test
  \textbf{Frustrations} \\
  \item Test

I am trying to display it like this:![Screenshot 2020-12-01 at 17.23.28.png](/image?hash=40808c3b1cae5a5dde7c8d3f4b9e67ac88bf9ec2423c8e730767cdcf70618655)

How can I do this? So the bio needs to be below the profile picture. And the other things on the side. The goals and frustrations are headings so I used `\textbf{}`, maybe an alternative would be better? Not sure if I need the extra options I already have in the options of `tcolorbox`.
Top Answer
user 3.14159
I think that you are looking for `sidebyside align=top seam`. Please note that it is much better if you provide a complete document. Apart from the fact that I do not have the `user-avatar` file, I do not know the document class you are using, so this is a "minimal damage" answer.
  title=Mr.\ Foo Bar,
  sidebyside align=top seam,
  lower separated=false]


  Test bio here
  \item Test
  \item Test
![Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 9.35.58 AM.png](/image?hash=0e5ed8f46e184b238dab5b30acc8fbb8c2b9af62bb5db7802822aaaf1a6f03d3)

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