Consider the following MWE. I want to print chapter names and section names there. Is it possible to do it without the labels? I tried `\chaptermark` and `\sectionmark`, but they don't seem to work. Is there any other possible way to do it?
\lhead{<current chapter name>}
\rhead{<current section name>}
Top Answer
You don't need the `fancyhdr` package, memoir provides its own mechanism for headings:

(although memoir is two sided by default, so I would suggest to switch the positions for even and odd pages)
Answer #2
user 3.14159
You can use `\sectionmark` and `\chaptermark` to redefine `\rhead` and `\lhead` to contain, say, the title of the section or chapter, respectively.

Here is an improved version with a lot of help from @samcarter. It is essentially copied from the top of p. 19 of the `fancyhdr` manual.