You already have answers using a patch plot and using a loop over a table. Here is a third option using a `scatter plot`. Note that many plot types are secretly scatter plots. In fact, this code is an adaptation of some answer on TeX.SE which served a slightly different purpose. Let me first mention a downside of the current implementation: you need to set `xmax` and `ymax` by hand. This can be avoided by letting LaTeX find these values, but since you generate the data automatically you may also let your code this. In case this is needed, I will be happy to add this to the answer.
Next, let us disect the code. With `clip mode=individual,` we turn on individual clipping, you can turn this off in the current version or for testing. More importantly, with
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{xmin} \as \myxmin},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{xmax} \as \myxmax},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{ymin} \as \myymin},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{ymax} \as \myymax},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{color} \as \mycolor},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{label} \as \mylabel},
we make the entries of the current row available to the scatter code. The scatter code is
scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu=true,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}
(axis direction cs:0,0) rectangle
(axis direction cs:\myxmax-\myxmin,\myymax-\myymin);
\path (axis direction cs:0.5*\myxmax-0.5*\myxmin,0)
It contains Ti*k*Z directives that make use of the macros that we got out of the table entries.
And here are the current version of the complete code and the result.
xmin ymin xmax ymax color label
% First Column
0 0 10 5 green Labelx1y1
0 5 10 15 green Labelx1y2
0 15 10 20 green Labelx1y3
% Second Column
10 0 18 5 green Labelx2y1
10 5 18 15 green Labelx2y2
10 15 18 20 green Labelx2y3
% Third Column
18 0 25 5 green Labelx3y1
18 5 25 15 green Labelx3y2
18 15 25 20 red Labelx3y3
\addplot[scatter,only marks,
clip mode=individual,
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{xmin} \as \myxmin},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{xmax} \as \myxmax},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{ymin} \as \myymin},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{ymax} \as \myymax},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{color} \as \mycolor},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{label} \as \mylabel},
scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu=true,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}
(axis direction cs:0,0) rectangle
(axis direction cs:\myxmax-\myxmin,\myymax-\myymin);
\path (axis direction cs:0.5*\myxmax-0.5*\myxmin,0)
] table {patches.txt};
![Screen Shot 2020-11-22 at 7.33.47 PM.png](/image?hash=d4b2d10e7655a762e53a2d0db09926f28fb369f8d43a37e20a3d7d6526b9b4c6)
And here is a code that gets `xmax` and `ymax` from the table.
xmin ymin xmax ymax color label
% First Column
0 0 10 5 green Labelx1y1
0 5 10 15 green Labelx1y2
0 15 10 20 green Labelx1y3
% Second Column
10 0 18 5 green Labelx2y1
10 5 18 15 green Labelx2y2
10 15 18 20 green Labelx2y3
% Third Column
18 0 25 5 green Labelx3y1
18 5 25 15 green Labelx3y2
18 15 25 20 red Labelx3y3
\addplot[scatter,only marks,
clip mode=individual,
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{xmin} \as \myxmin},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{xmax} \as \myxmax},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{ymin} \as \myymin},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{ymax} \as \myymax},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{color} \as \mycolor},
visualization depends on={value \thisrow{label} \as \mylabel},
scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu=true,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}
\path[draw=black,ultra thick,fill=\mycolor]
(axis direction cs:0,0) rectangle
(axis direction cs:\myxmax-\myxmin,\myymax-\myymin);
%\path (axis cs:\myxmax,\myymax);
\path (axis direction cs:0.5*\myxmax-0.5*\myxmin,0)
] table {patches.txt};
![Screen Shot 2020-11-22 at 8.36.54 PM.png](/image?hash=75d918a533e3f701f46a454eb5b60097bca312c3f8545256844a3ca5d2e29354)