I need to automate calculations.
Strangely, declaring function by `\pgfmathdeclarefunction{PnL}` does not allow me to use the calculations when I call `Pnl{3.5}` and get the `y` coordinate.
Details in the code.
**Next step**
Of course animation :) The dashed curve will move along the y axis from its orinal position (dashed) to south, displaying more and more of the gray area.
\documentclass[border =2mm]{standalone}
[name intersections={of=PnL and line, name=i, total=\t}]
[red, opacity=1, every node/.style={above left, black, opacity=1}]
\foreach \s in {1,...,\t}{(i-\s) circle (3pt)
node [above] {}};
axis lines=middle,
ytick = {0},
ticklabel style={font=\scriptsize},
xlabel style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1)}, xshift=12.5pt, anchor=north west},
ylabel style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1)}, yshift=12.5pt, anchor=south west},
samples = 51,
% domain = -3:3,
% xmin = -2, xmax = 5,
% ymin = -5, ymax = 10,
% X axis
\addplot[name path=line, gray, samples=2,no markers, line width=1pt] {0};
% curve
\addplot[purple,dashed,samples=51,smooth,thick, mark=none, ] {PnL+2};
% dashed curve, inital position
\addplot[purple,samples=51,smooth,name path=PnL, thick, mark=none, ] {PnL};
%filled area
\addplot fill between[
of = PnL and line,
split, % calculate segments
every even segment/.style = {white}, %Only trick I found to avoi
every odd segment/.style = {gray!60}
] {};
% red intersection points to X axis
% cord but too manual
\coordinate (P) at (-3.5, 3.8);
% \coordinate (P) at (-3.5, \Pnl(-3.5) );
\coordinate (Q) at (3.5, 3.8);
% too manual
\node[pin=130:$\Gamma$,draw=black,circle] at (-3.5, 3.8) {};
%\node[pin=130:$\Gamma$,draw=black,circle] at (-3.5, \Pnl(-3.5)) {};
\node[pin=40:$\Gamma$,draw=black,circle] at (3.5, 3.8) {};
% too manual
\draw [latex-latex,dashed, thick, name path global=HorizontalLine] (P) -- (Q) node[above] {};
% too manual, but did not manage to place it in the center of the filled area
\draw (0,-0.8) node {$\Theta^{-}$};
The orginal graph