This is what I was able to do within the time I have now. First of all, here is a `pic` for the frustum, which does the dashed lines for this one correctly, hopefully. (If not, this is a solvable problem, I think.)
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={overlay,insert path={[reset cm]
(-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) |-
(16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)|- cycle}},
reverseclip'/.style={overlay,insert path={[reset cm]
(-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) -|
(16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)-| cycle}}}
\path[overlay] (0,0,\myH) coordinate (-tip)
(0,0,\pv{h}) coordinate (-upper base);
\ifdim\sdtip pt>0pt
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/hidden] (\alphacrit:\pv{R}) arc[start angle=\alphacrit,end
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/visible] ($(-upper base)+(\alphacrit:\pv{r})$)
arc[start angle=\alphacrit,end angle=360-\alphacrit,radius=\pv{R}]
-- ($(-upper base)+(360-\alphacrit:\pv{r})$);
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/visible] (-upper base) circle[radius=\pv{r}];
\else %\typeout{\sdtip<0}
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/visible] circle[radius=\pv{R}];
\clip circle[radius=\pv{R}];
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/hidden] ($(-upper base)+(\alphacrit:\pv{r})$)
($(-upper base)+(360-\alphacrit:\pv{r})$)
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/hidden] (-upper base) circle[radius=\pv{r}];
% enlarge the bounding box
\path ($(-upper base)+(\alphacrit:\pv{r})$)
($(-upper base)+(360-\alphacrit:\pv{r})$)
\path (-upper base) circle[radius=\pv{r}];
\clip circle[radius=\pv{R}] [reverseclip'];
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/visible] ($(-upper base)+(\alphacrit:\pv{r})$)
($(-upper base)+(360-\alphacrit:\pv{r})$)
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/visible] (-upper base) circle[radius=\pv{r}];
\path[/tikz/3d/frustum/visible] circle[radius=\pv{R}];
hidden/.style={draw,very thin,cheating dash}}
\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1,line cap=butt,
line join=round,declare function={a=7;R=a/2; angC =-20;h=a;},
tdplotCsBack/.style={cheating dash},
hidden/.style={draw,very thin,cheating dash}]
\path[use as bounding box,tdplot_screen_coords]
(-9,-4) rectangle (9,10);
(0,0,0) coordinate (A)
(0,a,0) coordinate (B)
({ R*cos(angC)}, {a/2 + R*sin(angC)},0) coordinate (C)
(0,0,h) coordinate (S)
%[3d coordinate={(O)=0.5*(A)+0.5*(C)}];
\path[3d/line through={(S) and (B) named lSB}];
\path[3d/line through={(S) and (C) named lSC}];
\path[3d/project={(A) on lSC}] coordinate (H);
\path[3d/project={(H) on lSB}] coordinate (K);
\path[overlay,3d coordinate={(K')=(H)-(K)x(S)-(K)},
3d coordinate={(K'')=(K)+(K')},
3d coordinate={(N)=(H)-(K)}];
\path[3d/define orthonormal dreibein={A={(K)},B={(S)},C={(K'')}}];
\path (K) pic{3d/frustum={R=\R,r=\r,h=\h}};
\fill (-upper base) circle[radius=1pt];
plane with normal={(N) through (H) named pU},
line through={(B) and (C) named lBC}}
\path[3d/intersection of={lBC with pU}] coordinate (B');
\ifdim\ltest pt<0pt
\clip (H) circle[radius=\r];
\draw[hidden] (A) -- (C) -- (H) -- cycle (C)--(B') ;
\clip (H) circle[radius=\r] [reverseclip'];
\draw[visible] (A) -- (C) -- (H) -- cycle (C)--(B') ;
\draw[hidden] (B) -- (B')
(A) -- (S) -- (H) -- (K) -- (S) ;
\draw[visible] (S) -- (K) -- (B);
\draw[visible] (A) -- (C) -- (H) -- cycle
(C)--(B') ;
\draw[hidden] (K) -- (B) -- (B')
(A) -- (S) -- (H) -- (K) -- (S) ;
\foreach \v/\position in
{B/below,C/right,A/left,S/above,K/above,H/right} {\draw[draw =black, fill=black] (\v) circle (1.3pt) node [\position=0.2mm] {$\v$};

Per request I added the `frustum` to the [`3dtools` library]( It is slightly different since it shares some keys with other 3d pics, see [the manual]( Once I have more time I will add a better cylinder.
\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1,line cap=butt,
line join=round,declare function={a=7;R=a/2; angC =-20;h=a;},
tdplotCsBack/.style={cheating dash},
hidden/.style={draw,very thin,cheating dash}]
\path[use as bounding box,tdplot_screen_coords]
(-9,-4) rectangle (9,10);
(0,0,0) coordinate (A)
(0,a,0) coordinate (B)
({ R*cos(angC)}, {a/2 + R*sin(angC)},0) coordinate (C)
(0,0,h) coordinate (S)
%[3d coordinate={(O)=0.5*(A)+0.5*(C)}];
\path[3d/line through={(S) and (B) named lSB}];
\path[3d/line through={(S) and (C) named lSC}];
\path[3d/project={(A) on lSC}] coordinate (H);
\path[3d/project={(H) on lSB}] coordinate (K);
\path[overlay,3d coordinate={(K')=(H)-(K)x(S)-(K)},
3d coordinate={(K'')=(K)+(K')},
3d coordinate={(N)=(H)-(K)}];
\path[3d/define orthonormal dreibein={A={(K)},B={(S)},C={(K'')}}];
\path (K) pic{3d/frustum={R=\R,r=\r,h=\h}};
\fill (-upper base) circle[radius=1pt];
plane with normal={(N) through (H) named pU},
line through={(B) and (C) named lBC}}
\path[3d/intersection of={lBC with pU}] coordinate (B');
\ifdim\ltest pt<0pt
\clip (H) circle[radius=\r];
\draw[hidden] (A) -- (C) -- (H) -- cycle (C)--(B') ;
\clip (H) circle[radius=\r] [generous outside path'];
\draw[visible] (A) -- (C) -- (H) -- cycle (C)--(B') ;
\draw[hidden] (B) -- (B')
(A) -- (S) -- (H) -- (K) -- (S) ;
\draw[visible] (S) -- (K) -- (B);
\draw[visible] (A) -- (C) -- (H) -- cycle
(C)--(B') ;
\draw[hidden] (K) -- (B) -- (B')
(A) -- (S) -- (H) -- (K) -- (S) ;
\foreach \v/\position in
{B/below,C/right,A/left,S/above,K/above,H/right} {\draw[draw =black, fill=black] (\v) circle (1.3pt) node [\position=0.2mm] {$\v$};