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Using the `tcolorbox` package is there any way to make a horizontally striped box with stripes of equal width? Something like this for example:


This is the best I've been able to come up with:

\tcbuselibrary{skins, raster}



But this only makes two stripes, and depending on the length of the text, the stripes will not necessarily be of equal width. I checked the `tcolorbox` manual but couldn't seemed to find a solution.
Top Answer
user 3.14159
With `underlay` you can achieve pretty much any background. Here is an example.


\fill[red] let \p1=($(interior.north)-(interior.south)$) in
{foreach \X in {1,2,3}
{([yshift={(2*\X-2)*\y1/6}]interior.south west) rectangle 
([yshift={(2*\X-1)*\y1/6}]interior.south east)}};

![Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 10.04.42 PM.png](/image?hash=66f8d0cc38b19362a5deeb931f4756e1531e217aeeb3833eee0fcb780abbf5af)

Obviously you can make this a style, vary the number of stripes and so on and so forth.

\tcbset{blue-red stripes/.style={colback=blue,
\fill[red] let \p1=($(interior.north)-(interior.south)$) in
{foreach \X in {1,...,#1}
{([yshift={(2*\X-2)*\y1/#1/2}]interior.south west) rectangle 
([yshift={(2*\X-1)*\y1/#1/2}]interior.south east)}};
\end{tcbclipinterior}}},blue-red stripes/.default=3}

fontupper=\sffamily\bfseries,blue-red stripes=2]
hello world

![Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 10.08.51 PM.png](/image?hash=6fa9e99f88c32e396984c5924b8c4e10354f294a7581a701fa685faf7fe376f7)

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