biblatex add tag
When printing the bibliographic entries, I want to print extra information together with the year at the LHS. Basically, this information is avaiable as a field `info` in the bibliographic entry. This `info` is to be printed below `year` at the LHS. 

When I used `tabular`, an extra line is created, thus making it not so nice looking. Also for whatever reason `info` is not printed at all.

Additionally, I'd appreciate if you can remove the `year` from the RHS (as it is now redundant).

The working example uses [this answer]( 


		author = {Sponge Bob Squrepants},
		year = {2000},
		title = {No Title},
		journal = {Some awesome journal},
		info = {high}
		author = {Sponge Bob Squrepants and 
			Patrick Star},
		year = {2001},
		title = {No Title Again},
		journal = {Some awesome journal},
		info = {low}

    %%%%%%% Spread it into two lines to print `info` in the following line, something like
    %{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}} \printfield{year} \\ \printfield{info} \end{tabular}}



Top Answer
A lot of questions at once, let's try to go through them:

- a quick hack to use a multiline label: you can hide the height of it with the `\smash{}` macro and then use a minipage to make the top align to your bib entry 

    (caveat: the layout might be off for very short bib entries that only have one line on the right. As a quick hack, add `note = {\newline\mbox{}\nopunct}` to these entries).

- for removing the year, you can redefine the `date` and `issue+date` date macros. This should take care of the year for most entry types. For online entries, I left the date seen in it because this contains extra information like the day.

- Instead of adding new fields types like `info`, it is easier to use one of the predefined ones for the user to use, like `usera`. To be able to use `info` in your .bib file you can map it to one of the existing fields.


		author = {Sponge Bob Squrepants},
		year = {2000},
		title = {No Title},
		journal = {Some awesome journal},
		info = {high}
		author = {Sponge Bob Squrepants and 
			Patrick Star},
		year = {2001},
		title = {No Title Again},
		journal = {Some awesome journal},
		info = {low}

% declaring new field for info 
			\step[fieldsource=info, final=true]
			\step[fieldset=usera, origfieldval, final=true]


    \printfield{year}\linebreak \printfield{usera}


    test {\iffieldundef{issue}}




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