tikz add tag
Anonymous 1123
This is not my code, I copied at [here](https://www.facebook.com/groups/toanvalatex/) I do not understand all code. I do not see the author uses `\tdplotmainphi` or `\tdplotmaintheta` to draw cylinder. Is this code true?
	\foreach \m in{80,79,...,31,30,31,...,80}{
				\clip (-6,-5)rectangle(10,10);
				\begin{scope}[line join=bevel,tdplot_main_coords]
							\fill [samples=100,green, fill opacity = 3/5,domain=0:360]plot ({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},0);
					\fill[upper right=cyan, upper left =green,lower left = cyan,lower right =green,opacity=2/5]plot [samples=100,domain={180+\k}:{360+\k}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},0)--plot [samples=100,domain={360+\k}:{\k+180}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},4);
					\fill[blue,opacity=3/5]plot [samples=100,domain={\k}:{180+\k}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},0)--plot [samples=100,domain={180+\k}:{\k}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},4);
			\foreach \l in{70,71,...,149,150,149,...,70}{
					\clip (-6,-5)rectangle(10,10);
					\begin{scope}[line join=bevel,tdplot_main_coords]
								\fill [samples=100,green, fill opacity = 3/5,domain=0:360]plot ({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},0);
						\fill[upper right=cyan, upper left =green,lower left = cyan,lower right =green,opacity=2/5]plot [samples=100,domain={180+\k}:{360+\k}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},0)--plot [samples=100,domain={360+\k}:{\k+180}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},4);
						\fill[blue,opacity=3/5]plot [samples=100,domain={\k}:{180+\k}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},0)--plot [samples=100,domain={180+\k}:{\k}]({4*cos(\x)},{4*sin(\x)},4);
Top Answer
user 3.14159
As mentioned in the comments, the code does use `\tdplotmainphi`. However, this is actually not necessary. This answer comes with a pic that draws a cyclinder with an arbitrary axis. It also can be rotated by using rotated coordinates. It does not use `\tdplotmainphi` or `\tdplotmaintheta`. It does not rely on the specific way you installed your 3d view. The same statement applies to the polyhedron. So in order to know whether or not a code is correct it is generally not suffcient to check whether it uses certain macros.
 \ifdim\axisnorm pt<0.01pt\relax
  \typeout{Axis too short.}%
  \ifdim\normcylinderx pt<0.005pt\relax
   % cylinder axis rather parallel to normal on screen
   \path[overlay] (\cylinderx) coordinate (cylinderx)
    (\cylindery) coordinate (cylindery)
	(\cylinderz) coordinate (cylinderz);
	\begin{pgfonlayer}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d/cylinder/back layer}}
	  -- plot[variable=\t,domain=0:-180,smooth] 
	  ({\pv{r}*cos(\t)},{\pv{r}*sin(\t)},\pv{h}) -- cycle;
	\begin{pgfonlayer}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d/cylinder/fore layer}}
	  -- plot[variable=\t,domain=0:180,smooth] 
	  ({\pv{r}*cos(\t)},{\pv{r}*sin(\t)},\pv{h}) -- cycle;
	back layer/.initial={main},
	fore layer/.initial={main}

\foreach \Angle in {0,2,...,40,38,36,...,2}
	declare function={a=2;h=4;}]
 \path[tdplot_screen_coords,use as bounding box]
 		(-7,-5) rectangle (7,9);
 \path[opacity=0.5] pic{3d/cylinder={r={a*sqrt(2)},h=h,axis={(0,0,1)},
 	fore layer=foreground,back layer=behind,
 \path (-a,-a,0)  coordinate (A)
  (a,-a,0)  coordinate (B)
  (a,a,0)  coordinate (C)
  (-a,a,0)  coordinate (D)
  (-a,-a,h)  coordinate (A')
  (a,-a,h)  coordinate (B')
  (a,a,h)  coordinate (C')
  (-a,a,h)  coordinate (D')
  (0,0,h/2) coordinate (I);
 \draw[-stealth] (-3,0,0) -- (6,0,0);
 \draw[-stealth] (0,-3,0) -- (0,6,0);
 \draw[-stealth] (0,0,-3) -- (0,0,6);
  	   fore/.style={opacity=0.6},fore layer=main,
  	   back/.style={opacity=0.6},back layer=background,
 	   draw face with corners={{(A)},{(B)},{(B')},{(A')}},
 	   draw face with corners={{(B)},{(C)},{(C')},{(B')}},
 	   draw face with corners={{(C)},{(D)},{(D')},{(C')}},
 	   draw face with corners={{(D)},{(A)},{(A')},{(D')}},

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