beamer add tag
I have this simple code:

\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm} 

\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
\setlength\itemsep{5pt plus 1fill}
\item First line of text:
\vskip 0.3cm
\item[[SR\textsubscript{1}]\!\!\!] First enumerate
\item[[SR\textsubscript{2}]\!\!\!] Second enumerate

Can it be done more elegantly? The `\!\!\!` for example is only there to get rid of the space that is placed after `SR\textsubscript{1}`. 
Top Answer
I'd set the enumerate mini template to generate the label automatically:

\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm} 

\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
\setlength\itemsep{5pt plus 1fill}
\item First line of text:
\item First enumerate
\item Second enumerate
![Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 16.52.30.png](/image?hash=b2bf2c595b714ca09fa385db25d3ddfc4fe131d7cfad69545ecb0f87c41bf8c5)

If the space between the label and text is still too large for you: `\setlength{\labelsep}{0cm}`

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