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I am trying to draw this in Ti*k*Z.

![original figure](

This is what I have done, so far.

  \draw (0,0,0) -- (4,0,0) node[right] {$x$}
    (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0) node[above] {$y$}
    (0,0,2) -- (0,0,-2) node[left] {$z$};
  \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
    \draw[thick,red,->] (0,0) -- (80:2) node[above right] {$\mathbf{v}$};
    \draw (.4,0) arc (0:80:.4);
    \coordinate (x) at (30:.2);
  \draw (x) -- ++ (-.5,0) node[left] {\ang{85.0}};
  \draw[thick,green!50!black,->] (1,0,-1) -- (3,0,-1)
    node[midway,below left] {$\mathbf{B}$};
  \draw (1,0,2) -- (1,0,3) (2,0,2) -- (2,0,3);
  \draw[<->] (1,0,2.5) -- (2,0,2.5) node[midway,below left] {$p$};

![attempt so far](

The spiral is 3d-ish and has many dashed segments. That is where I got stuck: at least to me, `coil` from decoration libraries isn't helpful in this case.

So how can I draw the spiral?

Thanks in advance.
Top Answer
user 3.14159
You can just draw a parametric curve. I added such a curve to your code.
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=(-45:1.2),z=(45:1.2),declare function={r=1;s=1/600;}]
  \draw (0,0,0) -- (4,0,0) node[right] {$x$}
    (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0) node[above] {$y$}
    (0,0,2) -- (0,0,-2) node[left] {$z$};
  \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
    \draw[thick,red,->] (0,0) -- (80:2) node[above right] {$\mathbf{v}$};
    \draw (.4,0) arc (0:80:.4);
    \coordinate (x) at (30:.2);
  \draw (x) -- ++ (-.5,0) node[left] {\ang{85.0}};
  \draw[thick,green!50!black,->] (1,0,-1) -- (3,0,-1)
    node[midway,below left] {$\mathbf{B}$};
  \draw (1,0,2) -- (1,0,3) (2,0,2) -- (2,0,3);
  \draw[<->] (1,0,2.5) -- (2,0,2.5) node[midway,below left] {$p$};
  \foreach \X in {0,...,4}
   \draw[orange,thick] plot[variable=\t,domain=0:180,smooth,samples=9]
![Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 8.43.44 AM.png](/image?hash=d669cc57df6778ea68ce68e12f9174280cadbe596050b93d1eaa27ad5fe932ba)

If you install an orthographic projection, you get something like
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,declare function={r=1;s=1/600;}]
 \path (0,0,1) coordinate (ey) (1,0,0) coordinate (ex) (0,1,0) coordinate (ez);
  \draw (0,0,0) -- (4,0,0) node[right] {$x$}
    (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0) node[above] {$y$}
    (0,0,2) -- (0,0,-2) node[left] {$z$};
  \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
    \draw[thick,red,->] (0,0) -- (80:2) node[above right] {$\mathbf{v}$};
    \draw (.4,0) arc (0:80:.4);
    \coordinate (x) at (30:.2);
  \draw (x) -- ++ (-.5,0) node[left] {\ang{85.0}};
  \draw[thick,green!50!black,->] (1,0,-1) -- (3,0,-1)
    node[midway,below left] {$\mathbf{B}$};
  \draw (1,0,2) -- (1,0,3) (2,0,2) -- (2,0,3);
  \draw[<->] (1,0,2.5) -- (2,0,2.5) node[midway,below left] {$p$};
  \foreach \X in {0,...,4}
   \draw[orange,thick] plot[variable=\t,domain=0:180,smooth,samples=9]
![Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 9.01.12 AM.png](/image?hash=72e43e734aa1ba506c9da769653e445a9335636dc812bc1bd06466b9bbfba350)

You can adjust the parameters of `\tdplotsetmaincoords{60}{70}` to change the view. Note that your coordinate system has an unconventional orientation in that the orthogonal transformation that installs the view has determinant -1. In other words, in your picture the righthanded rather the lefthanded particles participate in the weak interactions. As illustrated [here](

![Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 9.04.56 AM.png](/image?hash=5ea13d3e3e30d69cc335cf0ccb462b90782d475f76e36b0b320b4ca47167c35b)

this may have unpleasant consequences. :smile_cat:

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