add tag
I have this code based on a very nice answer by marmot

\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm} 
\Circled[fill color={foo!![#1]},outer color=blue!60]{\phantom{\mbox{o}}}}%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by1%



\node (crow) {\def\numdots{12}%
\foreach \x [count=\y] in {1,...,\numdots}{%

\path ([yshift=-1cm,xshift=-1cm]crow.south) 
 			  \tikzset{fill=blue!10,draw=white,text width=3.2em,align=left}%
	node[below right,matrix of nodes,
	ampersand replacement=\&,nodes in empty cells,
	nodes={text height=1.6em,text depth=0.2ex,cond},
		column 1/.style={black,font=\normalfont}
	] (mat1) {%
		\& $1$ \& $2$ \& $3$\\
	$h_1$ \& $\begin{array}[b]{l}
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,,,,,,+,,,,+}\\ % \column 1
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\end{array}$  \&  
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{+,,+,-,+,,,+}\\ % \column 2
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,-,,,,-,,,,-}\\ % \column 3
	$h_2$ \& $\begin{array}[b]{l}
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{+,,+,,+,,,+,+}\\ % \column 1
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\end{array}$ \&  
			\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,+,,,,+,,,,+}\\ % \column 2
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,,,+,,,-,,,,-,+}\\ % \column 3

\path ([xshift=0.8cm]mat1.south east) 
 node[above right,matrix of math nodes,
 ampersand replacement=\&,nodes in empty cells,
	cells={nodes={draw=white,minimum width=3em,
		text height=0.8em,text depth=0.25ex,cond}}] (mat1) {%
	 \& h_1,g_1 \& h_2,g_2\\[0.2ex]
	\mycircle[1] \& 2,+\& 1,+\\
	\mycircle[2] \& 3,-\& 2,+\\
	\mycircle[3] \& 1,+\& 3,-\\
	\mycircle[4] \& 2,-\& 3,+\\



It works perfectly but I would just like to make a small change. In the first transition I would like no circles to be raised and the matrix in the middle to be shown but empty. Then on the second transition I would like the first circle to be raised and the two +s to be added to the middle matrix and then continue from there. In other words the transitions for the middle matrix should start when the first circle is raised as they do now but an extra transition added before with no circles raised and the  matrix empty.
Top Answer
If you use `count=\y from 2` the dots will start jumping on the second overlay (add an additional `,` at the start to also make the matrix uncover one overlay later).

\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm} 
\Circled[fill color={foo!![#1]},outer color=blue!60]{\phantom{\mbox{o}}}}%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by1%




\node (crow) {\vphantom{\raisebox{1ex}{\mycircle[1]}}\def\numdots{12}%
\foreach \x [count=\y from 2] in {1,...,\numdots}{%

\path ([yshift=-1cm,xshift=-1cm]crow.south) 
 			  \tikzset{fill=blue!10,draw=white,text width=3.2em,align=left}%
	node[below right,matrix of nodes,
	ampersand replacement=\&,nodes in empty cells,
	nodes={text height=1.6em,text depth=0.2ex,cond},
		column 1/.style={black,font=\normalfont}
	] (mat1) {%
		\& $1$ \& $2$ \& $3$\\
	$h_1$ \& $\begin{array}[b]{l}
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,,,,,,,+,,,,+}\\ % \column 1
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\end{array}$  \&  
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,+,,+,-,+,,,+}\\ % \column 2
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,,-,,,,-,,,,-}\\ % \column 3
	$h_2$ \& $\begin{array}[b]{l}
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,+,,+,,+,,,+,+}\\ % \column 1
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\end{array}$ \&  
			\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,,+,,,,+,,,,+}\\ % \column 2
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\UncoverList{,,,,+,,,-,,,,-,+}\\ % \column 3

\path ([xshift=0.8cm]mat1.south east) 
 node[above right,matrix of math nodes,
 ampersand replacement=\&,nodes in empty cells,
	cells={nodes={draw=white,minimum width=3em,
		text height=0.8em,text depth=0.25ex,cond}}] (mat1) {%
	 \& h_1,g_1 \& h_2,g_2\\[0.2ex]
	\mycircle[1] \& 2,+\& 1,+\\
	\mycircle[2] \& 3,-\& 2,+\\
	\mycircle[3] \& 1,+\& 3,-\\
	\mycircle[4] \& 2,-\& 3,+\\




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