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Question following this one that works perfectly to display in `tcolorbox`,  `example`, `definition` environments, but not floating ones like `figure` or `table`.

How can we include the `\caption` of the `float` in title of the tcolorbox.
Can it float as the float does ? 




{colback=green!5!white, colframe=green!75!black,fonttitle=\bfseries, colbacktitle=green!85!black,

 \caption{My caption}

 {Title of the frame}
 {Subtitle of the frame}
 \begin{block}{My block}
  My long definition that can take multiple lines, 
  \item first
  \item Second
  \item third
 \begin{example}[My example]
  My long example that can take multiple lines, 

Top Answer
You could define a new environment `myfigure` that becomes either a floating tcolorbox in article mode or a normal figure in beamer mode:




\newtcolorbox[blend into=figures]{myfigure}[2][]{float=htbp,capture=hbox,
     title={#2},every float=\centering,#1}



\begin{frame}{Title of the frame}
 {Subtitle of the frame}

\begin{myfigure}{My caption}

 \begin{block}{My block}
  My long definition that can take multiple lines, 
  \item first
  \item Second
  \item third
 \begin{example}[My example]
  My long example that can take multiple lines, 


![Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 17.20.42.png](/image?hash=135685ac7765c578982737b6154d5a9f19b30dec512cd8a6abce7d8558659606)

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