tikz add tag
Anonymous 1123
At [here](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/505731/how-to-get-trace-to-get-a-cylinder-when-i-rotate-a-rectangle), I get a cylinder when I rotate a rectangle. How can I get two cones when I rotate triangle `ABC` where `A(a,0,0), B(0,b,0), C(0,0,c)` around one side of triangle. Ingeneral, how to get a solid when I rotate a convex polygon around a line?
Top Answer
user 3.14159
Here is some proof of principle for triangles. It computes the envelope of the rotation of a triangle around one of its edges. The critical angles are the same as [here](https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=1218#a1447), only for a constant slope. I am not convinced that Ti*k*Z is made for such tasks, let alone for generalizations to arbitrary polygons. These codes require the newest version of [3dtools](https://github.com/marmotghost/tikz-3dtools) because I decided to add (a user interface to) the components of the normal to the library as they are getting used in various applications.

\usetikzlibrary{3dtools}% https://github.com/marmotghost/tikz-3dtools
\foreach \AnglePhi in {5,15,...,355}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=butt,line join=round,
declare function={%
 \path[use as bounding box] (-7,-6) rectangle (7,6) coordinate (TR);
 %\path (6,-5) node[above left]{$\phi=\AnglePhi$};
 \begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=\AnglePhi,psi=0,theta=70}]
  \path (a,0,0) coordinate (A) (0,b,0) coordinate (B) (0,0,c) coordinate (C)
   [3d/define orthonormal dreibein];
  \draw[blue] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle; 
  % height of the point (C) of the triangle
  % projection of (C) on line (A)--(B), i.e. distance from (A)
   \draw[thin,densely dashed,variable=\u,domain=0:360,samples=61,smooth cycle]
     plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)});
   % slope of the first stretch	
	 (A) -- plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)}) -- cycle;
     \draw[thick,variable=\u,domain=0:360,samples=61,smooth cycle]
      plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)});	  
	 (B) -- plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)}) -- cycle;
     \draw[thick,variable=\u,domain=0:360,samples=61,smooth cycle]
      plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)});	  

You can make it more solid-like by filling the contour.
\usetikzlibrary{3dtools}% https://github.com/marmotghost/tikz-3dtools
\foreach \AnglePhi in {5,15,...,355}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=butt,line join=round,
declare function={%
 \path[use as bounding box] (-7,-6) rectangle (7,6) coordinate (TR);
 %\path (6,-5) node[above left]{$\phi=\AnglePhi$};
 \begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=\AnglePhi,psi=0,theta=70}]
  \path (a,0,0) coordinate (A) (0,b,0) coordinate (B) (0,0,c) coordinate (C)
   [3d/define orthonormal dreibein];
  \draw[blue] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle; 
  % height of the point (C) of the triangle
  % projection of (C) on line (A)--(B), i.e. distance from (A)
   \draw[thin,densely dashed,variable=\u,domain=0:360,samples=61,smooth cycle]
     plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)});
   % slope of the first stretch	
		fill=gray,fill opacity=0.5]
	 (A) -- plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)}) -- cycle;
     \draw[thick,variable=\u,domain=0:360,samples=61,smooth cycle,
	 	fill=gray,fill opacity=0.5]
      plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)});	  
		fill=gray,fill opacity=0.5]
	 (B) -- plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)}) -- cycle;
     \draw[thick,variable=\u,domain=0:360,samples=61,smooth cycle,
	 	fill=gray,fill opacity=0.5]
      plot (\myx,{\myr*cos(\u)},{\myr*sin(\u)});

Unfortunately I do not know of a good way to add realistic shading.

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