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I use `\hackGraphics` (cf `MWE`) to include my graphics.

It enables me to add a long caption (kinda complete explanation of the graph when it's not self explanatory).

I also benefit from the `\newcommand` to add the image in the `lof`. Students can catch in a glimpse the visuals of the course with a long explanation.

**1. In the lof**


**2. In the document**


I don't know if it's the right method to get what I'd like : all graphs from the course at the same place with an explanation

**My question**

I'd like to format `lof` so that I can get the image on the left and the long caption on the right as in the sketch below.

I don't need the dots and page numbers.




				\protect\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth,height=0.30\textheight,keepaspectratio] {#2}%
				\protect\newline %




{This is a short caption}
{Of course I'de like to have a self-explanatory graph, but it requires sometimes an explanation for some sudents.}


Top Answer
One possible approach using `minipage`s:



          \color{gray} #4%




{This is a short caption}
{Of course I'de like to have a self-explanatory graph, but it requires sometimes an explanation for some sudents.}

{This is a short caption}
{Of course I'de like to have a self-explanatory graph, but it requires sometimes an explanation for some sudents.}


![Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at 14.51.13.png](/image?hash=f69250e1d9754b5f882d17de5c943297d82956bca77acdc90d91a6a725ff86ca)
Answer #2
Thanks to @SamCarter answer in comments, a solution with `tcolorbox`



		sharp corners,




{This is a short caption}
{Of course I'de like to have a self-explanatory graph, but it requires sometimes an explanation for some sudents.}

{This is a short caption}
{Of course I'de like to have a self-explanatory graph, but it requires sometimes an explanation for some sudents.}


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