pgf add tag

I generally use `\def` to define general variables I apply to my settings in beamer or in any other class. But was an eye-opener. My method is not relevant. The use of pgfkeys is actually more elegant and flexible.

In the previous reference, @Marmot created a "course" family and enabled me to  concatenate contents.

**My question**

I need to create more of these keys to parameter my `beamer` version and my `beamerarticle` version and replace my ugly `\def`.

For instance I use 


to load 


I'd definitely prefer something like a `beamersettings` family where I can elegantly (and comprenhensively) define

theme = {CambridgeUS},
color theme = {crane}


`booksettings` where again I can elegantly  define
that would load

\usepackage{fourier} % math & rm
\usepackage[scaled=0.875]{helvet} % ss
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{lmtt} %tt

or `font = {Latin Modern}`

that would load

`\usepackage{lmodern} % math, rm, ss, tt

`toc depth = {section}`, to load \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}   


I understand pgfkeys once I read them, it all makes sense. But I get stuck at the starting point.

**My target**

Get a file with all these pgfkeys at the beginning of my document to finetune the type of content I want to create.

Top Answer
user 3.14159
I think it is a very good idea to use pgf keys for that. Basically you are asking to create your own theme such that the options get processed via pgf. The following is a prototype. It writes your theme file via `filecontents` but obviously you can just create a separate file. In particular, you won't need the preamble in every document, just copy the `beamerthemeJeT.sty` somewhere where LaTeX finds it. You can then say
\usetheme[options={theme={CambridgeUS},color theme=crane,font=fourier}]{JeT}
(One could presumably get rid of the `options=` at the expense of a hack.) This example illustrates the `/.code` key for the theme and color, and the `/.is choice` key for the  fonts. There are more keys for other purposes.  I also added (but commented) an example for the usage of styles as collection of keys,
\usetheme[options={standard,font=Latin Modern}]{JeT}
which yield the same output (except for the font in the last example). You can add more keys to `beamerthemeJeT.sty` over the time, i.e. grow your theme over the time without losing backwards compatibility.

% you will not need this in every document
% this is just to keep the example self-contained
% copy the file `beamerthemeJeT.sty` somewhere where LaTeX finds it
	color theme/.code={\usecolortheme{#1}},
	font/.is choice,
	font/Latin Modern/.code={\usepackage{lmodern}
	standard/.style={theme={CambridgeUS},color theme=crane,font=fourier}	 
% end of "one time only" preamble
% usage example
\usetheme[options={theme={CambridgeUS},color theme=crane,font=fourier}]{JeT}
% example using a style for a collection of keys
% \usetheme[options=standard]{JeT}
% or combine styles with single keys
% \usetheme[options={standard,font=Latin Modern}]{JeT}
This is a test.

![Screen Shot 2020-10-03 at 3.44.38 PM.png](/image?hash=8b09b613f316151a74c388cc9955b56832ec5dad96707528ed0819760e064c5d)

A non-hacky way to get rid of `options=` is to use `pgfopts`. A downside is that it does not allow spaces in the keys.
% you will not need this in every document
% this is just to keep the example self-contained
% copy the file `beamerthemeJeT.sty` somewhere where LaTeX finds it
	font/.is choice,
% end of "one time only" preamble
% usage example
% \usepackage[theme={CambridgeUS},colortheme=crane,font=fourier]{beamerpreambleJeT}
% example using a style for a collection of keys
% or combine styles with single keys
% \usepackage[standard,font=Latin-Modern]{beamerpreambleJeT}
This is a test.

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