Here is a proposal. You can add and remove elements from the list of edges with the pgf keys `add edges` and `remove edges`, respectively. Since you are saying that you want to draw the result each time, this is built into these keys. Adding and removing is achieved by steering the visibility via `overlay-beamer-styles`.
add edges/.code={\tikzset{tgraph/next}%
\tikzset{tgraph/draw edges={visible on=<\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/tgraph/nstep}>}}%
remove edges/.code={\tikzset{tgraph/next}%
\tikzset{tgraph/draw edges={visible on=<\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/tgraph/nstep}>}}%
draw edges/.code={%
\typeout{No edges specified.}
\path[#1] foreach \pgfutil@tmpe/\pgfutil@tmpf in \pgfutil@tmpd
{ (\pgfutil@tmpe) edge[tgraph/Edge] (\pgfutil@tmpf)};
\tikzset{% \tikzstyle is deprecated
vertex/.style={very thick,draw=black, circle,minimum size=18pt,inner sep=0pt},
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.8, auto,swap]
% First we draw the vertices
\path foreach \pos/\name in {{(0,2)/a}, {(2,1)/b}, {(4,1)/c},
{(0,0)/d}, {(3,0)/e}, {(2,-1)/f}, {(4,-1)/g}}
{node[vertex] (\name) at \pos {$\name$}};
%{b/a,c/b,d/a,d/b,e/b, e/c,e/d,f/d,f/e,g/e,g/f},
\tikzset{tgraph/.cd,add edges={b/a},add edges={c/b},
add edges={d/a},remove edges={b/a,c/b},
add edges={b/a,c/b,d/b,e/b},remove edges={d/b}}