Here is a possible way to do this. A pic is defined that takes various arguments. The axis is scaled to fit a target width, which is given by the `width` key, but you can turn scaling off with `scaled`. There are various other keys for the domains, the delimiters and the annotations, which are explained a bit in the code.
\draw[interval/axis] (\pv{xmin},0) -- (\pv{xmax},0);
(\pv{xmin},-\pv{h}/2) rectangle (\pv{imin},\pv{h}/2);
\path ([xshift=0.2ex/\myintervalscale]\pv{imin},0) node {$\pv{left}$}
node[interval/both labels,interval/left label]{$\pv{l}$};
(\pv{imax},-\pv{h}/2) rectangle ([xshift=-1em/\myintervalscale]\pv{xmax},\pv{h}/2);
\path ([xshift=-0.2ex/\myintervalscale]\pv{imax},0) node {$\pv{right}$}
node[interval/both labels,interval/right label]{$\pv{r}$};
interval/.cd,axis domain/.code args={#1:#2}{%
},interval domain/.code args={#1:#2}{%
scaled/.is if=tikzintervalscaled,scaled/.default=true,
both labels/.style={below,text=blue,text height=1.2em},
left label/.style={},right label/.style={},
% the axis domain denotes the domain of the arrow
% the interval domain is just the interval
% by default the upper and lower interval bounds are used for the nodes
\path (0,0) pic{interval={axis domain=-8:15,interval domain=-3:5}}
% but you can overwrite them with the l and r keys
++ (0,-1.5) pic{interval={axis domain=0:1,interval domain=1/2:1,l={\frac{1}{2}}}}
++ (0,-1.5) pic{interval={axis domain=0:1,interval domain=1/3:2/3,l={a},r={b}}}
% initially the delimiters are ( and ) but you can change them using
% the left and right keys
++ (0,-1.5) pic{interval={axis domain=0:1,interval domain=1/2:1,l={a},left={[}}}
++ (0,-1.5) pic{interval={axis domain=1/6:1,interval domain=1/2:3/4,
![Screen Shot 2020-09-20 at 10.09.13 PM.png](/image?hash=a080e025825b1558f96015e19e14b738b6e3603b350b4631e09bf3fb25b267ae)
There are various ways in which one could extend this, e.g. by parsing some interval definition like `[1/2,3/4(` and set the domain and delimiters accordingly.