add tag
I have the following code:


\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm}

\newcommand{\tikzcircle}[3][red]{\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]{\node[draw={blue}, fill={#1}, circle,text width=#2,minimum width=0em,text=black,align=center] at (0,0) {#3};}\hspace{0pt}}%



\hspace*{-0.5cm}\foreach \x in {1,2,1,4,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4}{%

\vskip 2cm
\draw[xstep=1.8cm, ystep=0.8cm, color=gray] (0,0) grid (5.4,1.6);
\node at (0.2, +1.3) {-}; %yellow
\node at (3.8, +0.5) {-};
\node at (3.8, +1.3) {+}; %light blue
\node at (3.8, +0.2) {-};
\node at (0.2, +1.0) {-}; %yellow
\node at (4.1, +0.5) {-};

\node at (0.5, +1.3) {+}; %red 
\node at (0.2, +0.5) {+};

\node at (0.5, +1.0) {-}; %yellow
\node at (4.1, +0.2) {-};

\node at (3.8, +1.0) {+}; %light blue
\node at (4.4, +0.5) {-};

& $h_1,g_1$ & $h_2, g_2$\\
\tikzcircle[{foo!![1]}]{1pt}{} & $1,-$ & $3,-$\\
\tikzcircle[{foo!![2]}]{1pt}{} & $3,+$ & $3,-$\\
\tikzcircle[{foo!![3]}]{1pt}{} & $2,-$ & $2,+$\\
\tikzcircle[{foo!![4]}]{1pt}{} & $1,+$ & $1,+$\\

It is not fully complete but I would like to show each transition (addition of a pair of +/- symbols to the grid) by raising one of the circles up by half its radius.  

So on the first transition when 
\node at (0.2, +1.3) {-}; %yellow
\node at (3.8, +0.5) {-}; 
is drawn I would like the first circle to be raised. On the second when 
\node at (3.8, +1.3) {+}; %light blue
\node at (3.8, +0.2) {-}; 
is drawn I would like the first circle to go back to its normal position and the second circle to be raised and so on.

As a side question, how can I move the table up so its bottom aligns with the bottom of the grid? I tried vskip and vspace with no luck.
Top Answer
user 3.14159
I do not know if this goes in the right direction. However, raising circles on specific overlays can be achieved with something along the lines
\foreach \x [count=\y] in {1,...,\numdots}{%
Further, to sequentially add `+` and `-` signs, one can create a macro (called `\UncoverList` below) that takes a list and adds the items of the list one by one. I tried to add the lists to get something that resembles your results, but did not check carefully if this reproduces your results precisely.

\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm} 
\Circled[fill color={foo!![#1]},outer color=blue!60]{\phantom{\mbox{o}}}}%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by1%
\frametitle{Using \texttt{circledsteps}}
\node (crow) {\def\numdots{8}%
\foreach \x [count=\y] in {1,...,\numdots}{%

\path ([yshift=-1cm,xshift=-1cm]crow.south) 
 			\tikzset{fill=blue!10,draw=white,text width=3.2em,align=left}%
	node[below right,matrix of nodes,
	ampersand replacement=\&,nodes in empty cells,
	nodes={text height=1.6em,text depth=0.2ex,cond}
	] (mat1) {%
	$h_1$ \& $\begin{array}[b]{l}
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\end{array}$  \&  \& 
	$h_2$ \& $\begin{array}[b]{l}
		\scriptstyle\vphantom{1}\end{array}$ \&  \& 
\path ([xshift=0.8cm]mat1.south east) 
 node[above right,matrix of math nodes,
 ampersand replacement=\&,nodes in empty cells,
	cells={nodes={draw=white,minimum width=3em,
		text height=0.8em,text depth=0.25ex,cond}}] (mat1) {%
	 \& h_1,g_1 \& h_2,g_2\\[0.2ex]
	\mycircle[1] \& 2,+\& 1,+\\
	\mycircle[2] \& 3,-\& 2,+\\
	\mycircle[3] \& 1,+\& 3,-\\
	\mycircle[4] \& 2,-\& 3,+\\

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