beamer add tag
Take the code below:

 Intro text}  
 \visible<.->{\Pr(Y_r >0) &= \Pr(Y_r \geq 1) \leq \frac{\mathbb{E}(Y_r)}{1} = \frac{d}{2^r}}  
 \intertext{More text,}  
 \visible<+->{\Pr(Y_r=0)} & \visible<+->{\leq \Pr(|Y_r-\mathbb{E}(Y_r)| \geq d/2^r)} \visible<+->{\leq \frac{\var(Y_r)}{(d/2^r)^2}} \visible<+->{\leq \frac{2^r}{d}}  

How can I have the parts that aren't "visible" yet shown greyed out?  I really want this most for the chain of inequalities.
Top Answer
The most important overlay commands are:

- `\only<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨text⟩}`: the content won't be present on the overlays not specified

- `\uncover<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨text⟩}`: the content is present on all overlays, but dimmed on the overlays not specified (depending on the theme etc, dimmed may also mean not visible at all)

- `\visible<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨text⟩}`: the content is present on all overlays, but invisible on the overlays not specified

- `\invisible<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨text⟩}`: the content is present on all overlays, but invisible on the overlays specified

- `\alt<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨default text⟩}{⟨alternative text⟩}`: shows one or the other depending on the overlays specified

- `\temporal<⟨overlay specification⟩>{⟨before slide text⟩}{⟨default text⟩}{⟨after slide text⟩}` similar to `\alt`, just with two different alt texts

So for your case, this means you want to use `\uncover` instead of `\visible`:

 Intro text}  
 \uncover<.->{\Pr(Y_r >0) &= \Pr(Y_r \geq 1) \leq \frac{\mathbb{E}(Y_r)}{1} = \frac{d}{2^r}}  
 \intertext{More text,}  
 \uncover<+->{\Pr(Y_r=0)} & \uncover<+->{\leq \Pr(|Y_r-\mathbb{E}(Y_r)| \geq d/2^r)} \uncover<+->{\leq \frac{\var(Y_r)}{(d/2^r)^2}} \uncover<+->{\leq \frac{2^r}{d}}  

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