tikz add tag
Anonymous 1123
Let be a cone with hight `h` and radius of base is `r`. How can I draw a sphere  inscribed a cone? I know that, the center of sphere is incenter of the triangle `SAB` and radius of sphere is `(r*sqrt(h^2+r^2)-r^2)/h)`. 

![ScreenHunter 798.png](/image?hash=e613e1244061ff9a3d3ff2bd66de9379def4ad01792004668375d5de887140e2)
Top Answer
user 3.14159
You did already the most complicated part, the computation of the radius. The rest is comparatively simple, also because I had a code for drawing cones on my hard drive anyway.

	\path (0,0,\pv{h}) coordinate (-tip);
	  \ifdim\sdtip pt>0pt
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/hidden] (\alphacrit:\pv{r}) arc[start angle=\alphacrit,end
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] (\alphacrit:\pv{r}) 
	   arc[start angle=\alphacrit,end  angle=360-\alphacrit,radius=\pv{r}]
	   -- (-tip) -- cycle;
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] circle[radius=\pv{r}];
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] (\alphacrit:\pv{r}) 
	   -- (-tip) -- (360-\alphacrit:\pv{r});
	  \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] circle[radius=\pv{r}];	 
	hidden/.style={draw,very thin,densely dashed},
\begin{tikzpicture}[,declare function={
  \path (0,0,rs) coordinate (cs);
 \draw[3d/cone/hidden] (cs) circle[radius=rs];
![Screen Shot 2020-08-16 at 9.07.15 AM.png](/image?hash=0e076d4cb1514a9fc69ea92e31e345b58219648ccb9c31a85133d60f32dbac5b)

Of course, the sphere does not change its radius when altering the view angles, and the projection of a sphere on the screen is a circle of the radius of the sphere. So this circle won't change when we animate the view angles. 
	\path (0,0,\pv{h}) coordinate (-tip);
	  \ifdim\sdtip pt>0pt
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/hidden] (\alphacrit:\pv{r}) arc[start angle=\alphacrit,end
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] (\alphacrit:\pv{r}) 
	   arc[start angle=\alphacrit,end  angle=360-\alphacrit,radius=\pv{r}]
	   -- (-tip) -- cycle;
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] circle[radius=\pv{r}];
	   \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] (\alphacrit:\pv{r}) 
	   -- (-tip) -- (360-\alphacrit:\pv{r});
	  \path[/tikz/3d/cone/visible] circle[radius=\pv{r}];	 
	hidden/.style={draw,very thin,densely dashed},
\foreach \Angle in {90,85,...,40,45,50,...,85}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[,declare function={
 \path[use as bounding box] (-r,{r*cos(140)}) rectangle (r,h);
  \draw[3d/cone/hidden,canvas is xy plane at z=0] (00:r) -- (180:r);
  \path (0,0,rs) coordinate (cs);
 \draw[3d/cone/hidden] (cs) circle[radius=rs];

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