I want a border in `standalone` document class. This is a code that I found on TeX.SE in [this](https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/808/174620) answer, but apparently it doesn't work for `\documentclass{standalone}`.
logical pages=1,%
border code=\pgfsetlinewidth{2pt}\pgfstroke,%
border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
resized width=.95\pgfphysicalwidth,%
resized height=.95\pgfphysicalheight,%
Hello world
I have these requirements.
* Borders that can be added **after** the blank space provided by the optional argument `border=xx` to the `documentclass`.
* Multiple borders i.e. I shall be able to nest the borders by adding more on top of them.
* User defined widths.
Is there any package already available to achieve this?
Top Answer
You could get what you want (if I understood correctly) using `\fbox` and no additional packages:
\fbox{Hello world}

Answer #2
user 3.14159
Here is a `tcolorbox` solution.
\tcbox[colback=white,boxsep=6cm]{Hello world}

In its basic usage it is not too different from the [`\fbox` solution provided by Skillmon](https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=1228#a1460), yet it is arguably much easier to customize. Apart from the rounded corners (which you can control with the `arc` key) you have a whole abundance of other ways to customize the output. For instance, you can change the distances arbitrarily with the `top` and so on keys (see p. 42 of the tcolorbox 4.30 manual), add shadows etc. The list of options is quite large, the `tcolorbox` manual has over 500 pages.
If you want to add several boxes in a document, each of which getting cropped and framed, you may want to use the `\standaloneenv` command and the `hbox` key.
Hello world!
Hello ducks!

Answer #3
# `\multibox`
The following provides code with which nested `\fbox` usages are generated. I use `expkv-def` and `expkv-cs` for this, but the basic approach doesn't depend on those two and could be created with most (if not all) key=val packages.
## Explanation
So what is the basic idea? We provide two sets of keys, the first is those defined with `\ekvdefinekeys`. They set the defaults and allow to change them (`sep`, `rule`, `reset sep`, `reset rule`) and call the next set of keys when you add a frame (`add frame`, `set frame`). The key `add frames` is only using the defaults and doesn't call the second key-set.
The next set of keys only contains the two keys `sep` and `rule`, it is defined with `\ekvcSplitAndForward`. These produce either the current defaults as defined in the first set of keys (stored in two `dimen` registers) or the arguments given by the user. They don't need to make assignments, which eases their usage. If we didn't use `expkv-cs` for those, we could use another set of `dimen` registers instead to temporarily store the user input.
All these keys from both sets are just to call `\multibox@set` with the correct arguments, and that one creates the nested `\fbox` structure stored in the macro `\multibox@do`. The third argument of `\multibox@set` is either `\unexpanded{\usebox\multibox@box}` (which means to drop the current box structure) or `\unexpanded\expandafter{\multibox@do}` (which means to add another box around the current box structure).
After one call to `\multibox@set` without resetting the box structure the macro `\multibox@do` will contain
a second call will result in
and so on. Each `\fbox` creates a scope, so the changes to `\fboxsep` and `\fboxrule` of the inner `\fbox`es don't affect the outer ones.
Finally the output is aided by the `grabbox` package. All the macro call `\@grabbox{}\multibox@box{}\hbox{}{\multibox@do\endgroup}` does is to call something like
but all that without having to actually grab the box content as an argument. Instead it will be directly typeset into the box, so that `\multibox@do` can use the box contents by accessing the box register `\multibox@box`. For this last step there would also be alternatives. The easiest one would be to just grab the argument, another alternative would be the `collectbox` package, which does roughly the same as `grabbox` (a slightly different approach, iirc, and I wouldn't have written `grabbox` if I had known `collectbox` before).
As a result, the mandatory argument to `\multibox` *must* be enclosed by braces, else you'd get a `missing { inserted` error.
## Code
So with that lengthy explanation of the concept out of the way, here is the complete code:
protect code add frame =
,default add frame = {}
,protect code set frame =
,default set frame = {}
,protect code add frames = \multibox@multadd{#1}
,dimen sep = \multibox@sep
,initial sep = \fboxsep
,dimen rule = \multibox@rule
,initial rule = \fboxrule
,nmeta reset = { reset sep , reset rule , reset box }
,nmeta reset sep = sep = \fboxsep
,nmeta reset rule = rule = \fboxrule
,noval reset frame = \def\multibox@do{\usebox\multibox@box}
long sep = \multibox@sep
,long rule = \multibox@rule
add frames = 2 % add two boxes using the defaults
,add frame = {sep=5mm} % add a custom box with default thickness
,add frame = {rule=1cm} % add a custom box with default sep
,add frame = {sep=5mm, rule=1cm} % add a custom box
,add frame % add a box using the defaults
sep = 2pt % change the default sep
,rule = 3pt % change the default thickness
,add frames = 2 % add two boxes using the defaults
{Hello \verb|world|}
## Showcase
Since the above uses only `\fbox`, it can only produce boring boxes, but many of them at once.