Anonymous 1123
I want to add `\subsection` into tableofcontents and numbered, e.g, `1.1` like `\documentclass{article}`, but I can not get the result.
My code:
{\global\advance\beamer@tocsectionnumber by 1\relax%
\beamer@tempcount=\c@page\advance\beamer@tempcount by -1%
\beamer@tempcount=\c@page\advance\beamer@tempcount by -1%
\section{section one}
\subsection{subsection one}

How can I get the number 1.1 in tableofcontents?
Top Answer
You can add the subsection numbers by modifying the `subsection in toc` template:
{\global\advance\beamer@tocsectionnumber by 1\relax%
\beamer@tempcount=\c@page\advance\beamer@tempcount by -1%
\beamer@tempcount=\c@page\advance\beamer@tempcount by -1%
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}
\pgftext{\beamer@usesphere{subsection number projected}{tocsphere}}
\usebeamerfont*{subsection number projected}%
\usebeamercolor{subsection number projected}%
\setbeamerfont{subsection number projected}{size=\scriptsize}
\section{section one}
\subsection{subsection one}
\subsection{subsection two}

*(please note that `\section`, `\subsection` etc should never be used inside of a frame)*