I am using a Linux-based distro with TL2020 installation. This is the minimal code which results a pdf with a tofu :(
but when I try the same text with the same font on a word processor (LibreOffice in this case), it gives me the correct output. See the following screenshot.

I have tried `\setmainfont{BitstreamVeraSans}` (without -Roman), but it doesn't work at all.
Why is this happening?
Top Answer
The font is working fine with LaTeX, the problem is rather that the `Bitstream Vera Sans` font you chose, does not contain the rupee symbol. You can see this by inspecting the content of the `.ttf` file:

The symbol you see in LibreOffice is not from the `Bitstream Vera Sans` font, but from another font LibreOffice uses as fall back.
If I had to guess from the shape of just this one glyph, I would say `DejaVu Sans Mono`:
% !TeX TS-program = xelatex
\setmainfont{DejaVu Sans Mono}