beamer add tag
DBS (imported from SE)
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As shown above, one line starts in a normal line. Then I use a column. Then the second line is coming from the column. But I want to have these two lines to start from the same position. Please any one help here. The code used in beamer here.

\item Line starts in a normal
 \column {0.5\textwidth}
\item Line starts in a column

Top Answer
By default, the margins around columns are different than for normal text. However with the `onlytextwidth` option you can make them the same:


  \item Line starts in a normal 
      \item Line starts in a column 

![Screen Shot 2020-07-07 at 17.57.19.png](/image?hash=fc8b99418bb9b5f347609588939571c5427e9bea49eea0fadd76fb0b9c0723b1)

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