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Upon showing some `nodes near coords` in my plots I stumbled upon a formatting issue related to the use of `/pgf/number format/sci generic` options. 

More specifically, when changing the default mantissa with 

\pgfmathprintnumber[sci,sci generic={mantissa sep=\times,exponent={10^{#1}}}]\pgfplotspointmeta
The exponent is missing. 

I checked the behavior directly in pure Ti*kZ* output, but this works fine.
The problem only seems to show up in `pgfplots`. At first I thought this would be a precision issue since I ran into this problem with very small values, but even with standard (around unit) values, it shows up. 

Does anybody have a clue on a workaround/patch for this ?

Here is a MWE showing the issue and some tests. 

% arara: lwpdflatex
Correct output in pure TikZ

\pgfmathprintnumber[sci,sci generic={mantissa sep=\times,exponent={10^{#1}}}]{12.345}

\pgfmathprintnumber[sci,sci generic={mantissa sep=\times,exponent={10^{#1}}}]{12.345e-8}

Correct output in pgfplots with only "nodes near coords"

        \addplot[nodes near coords,domain=0:1,samples=5] {x};

Correct output in pgfplots with "nodes near coords" with sci formatting and "$\cdot$" (default) mantissa separator

        \addplot[nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber[sci]\pgfplotspointmeta},domain=0:1,samples=5] {x};

Wrong output in pgfplots with "nodes near coords" with sci formatting and manually set "$\cdot$" mantissa separator

        \addplot[nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber[sci,sci generic={mantissa sep=\cdot,exponent={10^{#1}}}]\pgfplotspointmeta},domain=0:1,samples=5] {x};

Wrong output in pgfplots with "nodes near coords" with sci formatting and "$\times$" mantissa separator

        \addplot[nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber[sci,sci generic={mantissa sep=\times,exponent={10^{#1}}}]\pgfplotspointmeta},domain=0:1,samples=5] {x};
[![enter image description here][1]][1]


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