beamer add tag
erpelman (imported from SE)
As mentioned above I am creating my own outer theme and want the navigationbar from insertnavigation. My problem is that every frame is shown as a bullet point but i just need the section with the subsections, not the mini frames.

% Frame title


  \usebeamerfont{navigation symbols}
  \useasboundingbox[fill=white](0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,1.2);
  \fill[MidnightBlue] (0,-9) rectangle(2.5,-8);
  \fill[MidnightBlue!70] (2.5,-9) rectangle(9.3,-8);
  \fill[SkyBlue] (9.3,-9) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,-8);
  \fill[MidnightBlue] (0,0.3455) rectangle (2.5, 1.2);
  \fill[SkyBlue] (0,-0.1) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,0.35);
  \fill[ MidnightBlue!70] (2.5,0.35) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,1.2);
  \node[anchor= west, white] at (0.3,0.15){\tiny\insertnavigation{0.85\paperwidth}};%
      {\node[anchor=west, white,font=\large] at (2.5,0.61){\insertframetitle};}

Top Answer
If you don't want the `miniframe`s, don't use `\insertnavigation`. Instead you can use the section navigation which will just gives you the section names:




% Frame title


  \usebeamerfont{navigation symbols}
  \useasboundingbox[fill=white](0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,1.2);
  \fill[MidnightBlue] (0,-9) rectangle(2.5,-8);
  \fill[MidnightBlue!70] (2.5,-9) rectangle(9.3,-8);
  \fill[SkyBlue] (9.3,-9) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,-8);
  \fill[MidnightBlue] (0,0.3455) rectangle (2.5, 1.2);
  \fill[SkyBlue] (0,-0.1) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,0.35);
  \fill[MidnightBlue!70] (2.5,0.35) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,1.2);
  \node[anchor= west, white] at (0.3,0.15){\tiny\insertsectionnavigationhorizontal{.85\paperwidth}{}{\hskip0pt plus1filll}};%
      {\node[anchor=west, white,font=\large] at (2.5,0.61){\insertframetitle};}



![Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 12.59.50.png](/image?hash=f5c85f4f3714847fe53599cd2b544d0ce7b8084a27ff63ac4b91a43abcdedc08)

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