\documentclass[ aspectratio = 1610 ]{beamer}
\setbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{%
\setbeamertemplate{theorem end}
\begin{definition}[ Is it possible to produce this heading without the white bar below?]
Top Answer
Removing an empty body from a rounded beamer block is not trivial, however you can simply reverse roles and use a block with empty title:
\documentclass[ aspectratio = 1610 ]{beamer}
\setbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{%
\setbeamertemplate{theorem end}
\begin{definition}[ Is it possible to produce this heading without the white bar below?]
\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=structure.fg!75!black,fg=white}
\inserttheoremheadfont Is it possible to produce this heading without the white bar below?