I need to make a poster booklet (like a poster but instead of 1 pages 5 pages). I have been trying to add new pages in tikzposter with no success.
Any ideas?
Top Answer
~~The problem with the tikzposter class is, that amongst some other questionable techniques (like nesting tikzpictures), it also wraps the whole document into a `center` environment which makes it nearly impossible to add page breaks. However you can trick the class by placing all additional pages within `\AtEndDocument{...}` which will only be executed once the class already closed its `centre` environment~~ (many thanks to @Ulrike Fischer for pointing out this was nonsense)
The problem with the tikzposter class is, that amongst some other questionable techniques (like nesting tikzpictures), it hides the surrounding `tikzpicture` environment from the user in `\AtBeginDocument{}` and `\AtEndDocument{}`. The `tikzpicture` can not be broken across pages, but you can manually close and reopen it like this:
% page 2
\title{another title}
% Background
\coordinate (topright) at (0.5\textwidth, 0.5\textheight);
\coordinate (bottomleft) at (-0.5\textwidth, -0.5\textheight);
\clip (bottomleft) rectangle (topright);
% Draw background
\fill[inner sep=0pt, line width=0pt, color=backgroundcolor] (bottomleft) rectangle (topright);
% page 3
\title{yet another title}
% Background
\coordinate (topright) at (0.5\textwidth, 0.5\textheight);
\coordinate (bottomleft) at (-0.5\textwidth, -0.5\textheight);
\clip (bottomleft) rectangle (topright);
% Draw background
\fill[inner sep=0pt, line width=0pt, color=backgroundcolor] (bottomleft) rectangle (topright);
% page 1
That said, it might be easier to
- prepare 5 separate documents and glue them together, for example with the `pdfpages` package or similar tools
- use another class. For example I normally use the `beamer` class to create posters (maybe in combination with the `beamerposter` package). This class can automatically deal with multiple pages
Answer #2
An alternative to `tikzposter` could be `tcbposter` (from `tcolorbox`). You decide poster size inside any document class and can combine several posters inside the same document. A poster is not breakable between pages, but text can flow inside poster blocks.
A short example based on the `tcolorbox` documentation:
\posterbox[adjusted title=My box]{name=A,column=1,row=1,span=3,between=top and bottom}{My first box}
\posterbox[adjusted title=Another title]{name=A,column=1,row=1,span=3,between=top and bottom}{My first box}