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user12703198 (imported from SE)
I am trying to convert a beamer presentation (which cointains usage of the environment `beamerboxesrounded` and works fine) into an article using the package `beamerarticle`, but I get the message

> Environnment beamerboxesrounded undefined

This is the code that does not work:

%\documentclass[Palatino, hyperref={pdfpagelabels=false}]{beamer}


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % usually not needed (loaded by default)




\usetheme{Singapore} % NO


\setbeamercolor{disc ques body}{fg=oiB}

	\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[shadow = false, lower = disc ques body]{}





It does work fine if I replace the first three lines with 

\documentclass[Palatino, hyperref={pdfpagelabels=false}]{beamer}


What should I do?
Top Answer
`beamerboxesrounded` is primarily used as an internal tool for beamer to set up various boxed things, for example the `block` environment, which will work both in beamer and beamerarticle. 

As far as I can see the only special configuration of your `\dp` macro is the text colour (your theme does anyway not have a shadow). You can make the same colour change with `block` like this:

\documentclass[Palatino, hyperref={pdfpagelabels=false}]{beamer}


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % usually not needed (loaded by default)




\usetheme{Singapore} % NO


\setbeamercolor{disc ques body}{fg=oiB}

    \setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=disc ques body}







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