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**My question**

How do I handle the extraction of the `.tex` file (as described below) to a flat `.csv` with format below ? 

**Posted here originally**

[TeX_TA ](


I created all my MCQ with the `exam` package. However, exams are now 100% online... (sigh)

My LaTeX file has the basic following format



 \question What is the answer ? 
 \choice 70
 \choice 75
 \choice 80
 \CorrectChoice 85
 \choice None of the above

 \question What is the answer to the second question ? 
 \choice 70
 \choice 75
 \CorrectChoice 80
 \choice 85
 \choice None of the above


I need now to provide a csv where the questions of the MCQ above would be displayed like (`Incorrect`,`Correct`, just to be clear 😃 )

`question,answer1,Cor/Inc,answer2,Cor/Inc,answer3,Cor/Inc ,answer4,Cor/Inc,answer5,Cor/Inc`

And it would render like

`What is the answer ?,70,Inc,75,Inc,80,Inc,85,Cor,None of the above,Inc`

Each line would obviously be a new question.

What could correspond so far

I found something interesting in python, but I am more open to a solution than a type of programming.

I see the principle for environment between \begin and \end thanks to

infile = open('MCQ.tex', 'r')
outfile = open('FlattenMCQ.csv', 'w')
extract_block = False
for line in infile:
    if 'begin{questions}' in line:
        extract_block = True
    if extract_block:
    if 'end{questions}' in line:
        extract_block = False


Where I am stuck The recurisivity to test first `\begin{questions}` then `\question` then `\begin{oneparchoices}` then `\choice` or `\CorrectChoice`
Top Answer
This code's *very* messy, and only parses TeX in the very specific format you've provided, and won't always give you errors if the input document is “malformed”, but it should work:

import csv
from functools import partial
from itertools import takewhile

def questions(lines):
    lines = iter(lines)
    for line in lines:
        if r'\begin{questions}' in line:
    while True:
        for line in lines:
            if r'\end{questions}' in line:
            q = line.split(r'\question', maxsplit=1)
            if len(q) == 2:
                question = q[1].strip()
        if r'\begin{oneparchoices}' not in next(lines):
            raise ValueError(r"Expected \begin{oneparchoices}")
        yield question, tuple(
            (answer.strip(), r'Correct' in choice)
            for choice, answer in map(
                partial(str.split, maxsplit=1),
                    lambda line: r'\end{oneparchoices}' not in line,

def q_flatten(questions):
    for question, answers in questions:
        yield (question,) + tuple(a_flatten(answers))

def a_flatten(answers):
    for answer, correct in answers:
        yield answer
        if correct:
            yield 'Cor'
            yield 'Inc'

with open('MCQ.tex') as in_, \
     open('FlattenMCQ.csv', 'w', newline='') as out:
    writer = csv.writer(out)
    # If you want a header, add it here.
    ##writer.writerow(("column1", "column2", "etc."))
Answer #2
If you have `pip`, and can install the `TexSoup` package (pick one):

> py -3 -m pip install TexSoup
$ python3 -m pip install TexSoup
$ python -m pip install TexSoup

then this would _probably_ be more resilient to TeX formatting changes, but needs to load the entire file into memory so wouldn't work for as large quizzes.

import csv

from TexSoup import TexSoup

def questions(tex):
    soup = TexSoup(tex)
    i = iter(soup[-1][0])  # \begin{questions}
    while True:
            next(i)  # skip over \question
        except StopIteration:
        question = next(i).strip()
        answers = tuple(
            (answer.strip(), == 'CorrectChoice')
            for choice, answer in zip(*(2*(iter(next(i)),)))
        yield question, answers

# The below is the same as my other answer:
def q_flatten(questions):
    for question, answers in questions:
        yield (question,) + tuple(a_flatten(answers))

def a_flatten(answers):
    for answer, correct in answers:
        yield answer
        if correct:
            yield 'Cor'
            yield 'Inc'

with open('MCQ.tex') as in_, \
     open('FlattenMCQ.csv', 'w', newline='') as out:
    writer = csv.writer(out)
    # If you want a header, add it here.
    ##writer.writerow(("column1", "column2", "etc."))

Enter question or answer id or url (and optionally further answer ids/urls from the same question) from

Separate each id/url with a space. No need to list your own answers; they will be imported automatically.