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Charles Knell
After installing the "Latex Sympy Calculator" extension in vscode, the extension fails to work because the server won't start. The popup error is as follows:

Activating the server... Please retry for a moment.

I'm using python 3.12 and following all the instructions [here](
Top Answer
Charles Knell
I installed the Latex Sympy Calculator vscode extension from [here]( 

You can work around this problem by starting it manually. Run the following "" code.

import subprocess[ 'python',
               ]) #          ^
                  #          |      
                  #          +--- use your own user name here

Once the server is running the calculator will work.

Note: Put the extension's examples in an .md file if you have not done so already. If you don't already have a preview window (the right hand window in the Latex Sympy Calculator extension's examples) click into the .md file and use "CTRL-k v" to open it.

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