I'm trying to solve the following challenge
On my Jupyter notebook the following function solves it:
def weightedMean(X, W):
# Write your code here
dotprd=sum([x*w for (x,w) in zip(X,W)])
return dotprd/sum(W)
However, on the site of the challenge, my function returns nothing...
> ~ no response on stdout ~
why is that?
Top Answer
Tejas Shetty
You need to call your function after defining it.
def weightedMean(X, W):
# Write your code here
dotprd=sum([x*w for (x,w) in zip(X,W)])
return dotprd/sum(W)
X1 = [1, 3 ,5, 78, 39]
W1 = [0.1, 0.34, 0.49, 0.06, 0.01]
weightedMean(X1, W1)
will result in