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I'm trying to understand how to work with keyword matching and positional matching in Python.

For that, I'm using the following function:

def f(a,b,*be_a_tuple, **be_a_dict):

Then I try to run:


But I get the following error: 
> positional argument follows keyword argument

When I change to 


I get the error 
> f() got multiple values for argument 'a'

Is there a way to call the function, and make variable 'a' to match by keyword, instead of by position?
Top Answer
If you are allowing a dynamic number of arguments, you can't pass a positional argument as a keyword argument.

In a function call, keyword arguments are required to be listed last. Combine that with `a` being a positional argument. Calling `f(22,1...` means `a` takes the value `22`.

That's why it's saying `f() got multiple values for argument ‘a’`: you passed `22` and then passed another by using the keyword `a=56`.

So function calls like this is OK:

>>> func_args(1,2,3)
1 2 (3,)

>>> func_kwargs(a=1,b=2,c=3)
1 2 {'c': 3}

But this is not,

>>> func_args(a=1,b=2,3)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

Where func_args and func_kwargs are defined,

def func_args(a,b, *args):
  print(a,b, args)

def func_kwargs(a,b, **kwargs):
  print(a,b, kwargs)

Simply put, keyword arguments are required to be listed last.


If you want to _require_ parameter `a` to be passed as a keyword argument, you can do something like:

`f(b, *, a, **be_a_dict)`

Still, in this case, you can't have a dynamic number of arguments, although you can have a dynamic number of keyword arguments.

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