Anonymous 1399
I have this python code block set for an app that displays email on the FE from json.
for list_values in received_mails_folder:
user_content = {}
data = conn.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=list_values)
read_content = data['Body'].read()
mail = mailparser.parse_from_bytes(read_content)
receiver_name,receiver_mail = [x for x in][0]
sender_name,sender_mail = [x for x in mail.from_][0]
subject = mail.subject
content = list(mail.text_plain)
body = mail.body
attach = mail.attachments
for item in attach:
attach_name = item["filename"]
attach_path = uploads_dir + "/" + attach_name
user_content['ATTACH'] = attach_path
date =
user_content['TO'] = receiver_mail
user_content['FROM'] = sender_mail
user_content['SUBJECT'] = subject
user_content['MESSAGE'] = content
user_content['NAME'] = sender_name
user_content['DATE'] = str(date)
return final_list
So if the there are multiple attachments from the same FROM email, how do i get them together? Currently, only the last attachment in a mail with multiple attachments is entered into the json response.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
Rather than overwriting `user_content['ATTACH']` you could append to a sub-list. So instead of:
for item in attach:
attach_name = item["filename"]
attach_path = uploads_dir + "/" + attach_name
user_content['ATTACH'] = attach_path
use something like:
user_content['ATTACH'] = []
for item in attach:
attach_name = item["filename"]
attach_path = uploads_dir + "/" + attach_name