add tag
In the following example, an error happens.

$Google = Invoke-WebRequest '' 
$Google | ConvertTo-Json

> ConvertTo-Json: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Content


On GitHub, [PowerShell/issues/11910]( shows us the same error message, but doesn't currently contain a verbose explanation. 

Briefly: an object may inherit properties from a parent type, but if it attempts to overload a property that exists on the parent, then it cannot be seamlessly serialised by the ConvertTo-Json cmdlet. 
Top Answer example
[The output type of Invoke-WebRequest][Invoke-WebRequest#output] is the child class [BasicHtmlWebResponseObject] which inherits from parent class [WebResponseObject]. A close comparison of those docs pages will reveal that many properties are inherited from parent to child, but that `Content` is _not_ inherited; instead - it is declared a second time. Not only this, but a deeper examination of the parent type will reveal that it is declared as a _different type_ in the child class than that of the same-named property in the parent type. Compare: 


public byte[] Content { get; protected set; }


public new string Content { get; private set; }

This is notable, because if we take the example from [issues/11910] and modify it so that the overloaded Property is of the same type...

$type = @"
         public class B
             public int A { get; set; }
         public class C : B
-             public new string A { get; set; }
+             public new int A { get; set; }

...then serialisation of on object of class `C` does not error.

Add-Type $type
$obj = New-Object C
$obj | ConvertTo-Json


Answer #2 example
A trivial workaround exists: you can pipe the object through `Select *` which clobbers the strict typing. 

PS> $Google.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     False    BasicHtmlWebResponseObject               Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebResponseObject

PS> ($Google | select *).GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     False    PSCustomObject                           System.Object


Once the object is freed of the constraints of its inheritence, then you may serialise it without error.

($Google | select *) | ConvertTo-Json


HT to [@chrisdent on powershell slack]( for the assist :-)

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