aix add tag
Hannah Vernon (imported from SE)
When I execute the following command:

    cd /some/path/here
    at -t 201409301100
    ls -al
    at -lov

I get the following output:

    myusername.1411755840.a   Mon Sep 30 11:00:00 CDT 2014
    cd /some/path/here
    ls -al

What is causing the `cd /some/path/here` command to appear?  Other users on the same system are not seeing this behavior.

I'm using KornShell in AIX 6.1.

My `.envfile` contains:

    if [ -t 0 ]; then
            case `who am i | awk '{print $1}'` in
                            #set the prompt to include the date and time
                            #set -o allexport
                            unset _Y _M _D _h _m _s
                            eval $(date "+_Y=%Y;_M=%m;_D=%d;_h=%H;_m=%M;_s=%S")
                            ((SECONDS = 3600*${_h#0}+60*${_m#0}+${_s#0}))
                            typeset -Z2 _h _m _s
                            _tsub="(_m=(SECONDS/60%60)) == (_h=(SECONDS/3600%24)) + (_s=(SECONDS%60))"
                            _timedhms=$_Y'/'$_M'/'$_D" "'${_x[_tsub]}$_h:$_m:${_s}'
                            typeset -u _hn
                            _un=`whoami | awk '{print $1}'`
                            typeset -u _un
                            export PS1="$_timedhms
    "'['$_un']'$_hn':${PWD#$HOME/} $ '
                            #set +o allexport

Top Answer
Gilles (imported from SE)
An at job is executed in the directory where the `at` command was called.

Different implementations achieve that in different ways. It happens that yours does it by putting a `cd` command at the start of the job, before your code.

An at job is also executed in the same environment as when the `at` command was called, and with the same umask. AIX implements environment and umask preservation in some other way (I don't know how).

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