announcement add tag
Jack Douglas
**tl;dr:** we have added these three communities because they are big enough topics to have a chance of generating their own momentum, but especially to showcase how [cross-community feeds](/meta?q=928) might work.

### **How are these communities going to tie together?**

Taking advantage of the new cross-community feeds feature; if you participate on the dotnet.ta, by default you will see posts from csharp.ta and powershell.ta on the .net homepage, and you will see posts from dotnet.ta on the two child communities as well. You can, of course, opt out from the cross-community feeds if you want to.

The way I see this working is that the .net community will have general .net questions that aren't suited to the language-specific communities (e.g. questions about installation or about the CLR). Time will tell if that makes sense.

### **What about having multiple chat rooms on the home page too?**

Maybe one day :)

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