# Descriptions

Tags are necessarily brief, so non-insiders need access to more info about them. Having a title-attribute with a short description like on SE would help.

# Searches

Clicking on a tag should change the search field to say "`[`tag name`]`" and this syntax should filter search results to only include posts tagged thusly. Would it be possible to make sure that on a tag-only search, any blog posts with that tag is always listed first? This would allow using blog posts to give full descriptions for tags, similar to the tag wikis on SE.
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
> …this syntax should filter search results to only include posts tagged thusly

This small part of the feature request is now implemented.


> Tags are necessarily brief, so non-insiders need access to more info about them. Having a title-attribute with a short description like on SE would help.

This is now ~~planned~~ also implemented, as is now detailed on this earlier feature-request:

@@@ answer 828


> Clicking on a tag should change the search field

~~This makes sense on SE but I'm not (yet) convinced that it does here~~ We've gone a slightly different route — clicking on a tag takes you to a list of all the tags (with the clicked tag highlighted and scrolled into view). From there you can click on a second link that takes you to a search of questions with that tag.

Enter question or answer id or url (and optionally further answer ids/urls from the same question) from

Separate each id/url with a space. No need to list your own answers; they will be imported automatically.