I rely on my browser tabs' content (rather than position) to hit the right tab. However, TA makes this difficult:

* all sites use the same icon
* there's no mention of the site, only current post/room title

I suggest:
* Making the icon be the icon of the site
* making the text `{post/room} - TopAnswers {site name}`

Furthermore, and to match this, and to improve the UI:
* change the top bar text to always be that of the text shown when editing a post, i.e. `TopAnswers {site name}` and only after that have a drop-down box which by has "switch site" shown.
Top Answer
James Douglas
> all sites use the same icon

All communities now have their own unique icon which is used in the browser tab.

> there's no mention of the site, only current post/room title

The community name is now in the tab title on most pages, between the post/room info and the word 'TopAnswers'


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