Some questions are suited to answers which begin with a heading, and sometimes that heading might be hyperlinked. There's already [one good example on TeX.TA][1], but there are bound to be others.
My question is: should this heading be `H2` (which is my assumption), or `H1` (depending on how certain "html5" practices are understood), or even `H3` (although I doubt it)?
Obviously, this is reasonably trivial. But I am pretty sure that some people (`*cough*`Caleb`*cough*`) might care about a matter like this.
[1]: https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=350
Top Answer
Jack Douglas
It makes sense to use `h1`/`#` for the top level heading rather than `h2`/`##`. However the browser defaults for large heading sizes are a bit *too* large.
We've overridden the defaults, roughly following [this style guide](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/03/technical-web-typography-guidelines-and-techniques/#setting-a-scale).
Example headings:
* # h1 Heading: 28px
Normal paragraph text
* ## h2 Heading: 25px
Normal paragraph text
* ### h3 Heading: 22px
Normal paragraph text
* #### h4 Heading: 19px
Normal paragraph text
* ##### h5 Heading: 16px
Normal paragraph text
* ###### h6 Heading: 16px
Normal paragraph text
Answer #2
Convention on codegolf SE is `#`, I guess seeing each post as a separate "document". However, here on TA, <h1>s are quite big…
Answer #3
I'd go with a similar reasoning as Adám.
An answer is a self-contained section in a document, which's heading is the question, so it should be structured as such. Just because the CSS is big for h1 doesn't mean the markup should be changed. So I'd advocate for `#` as the top-level for an answer.