I have some comments about bits where I found the UI to be unintuitive or unnatural. I'm using a laptop (1920x1080).

![TopAnswers top left.png](/image?hash=eb9f934cac0a48f4c68f7e9d57b0f245430b1542ccff6b460a5c580e8f43d018)

Often I'm browsing a question and want to return to view other questions on the site. Currently, this can be done with the "TopAnswers" link at the top left, but I'd expect that to go to a general main page. It would be nice if the site name under it linked to its question page. I also expected that re-selecting the current site from the dropdown would take me to its question page, but it just leaves me on the question.

![TopAnswers question UI snippet.png](/image?hash=3437d601949d291c457c12ef3bf529955a9162bcc43dbe806f91bcd6e4fa7779)

With one answer here, it looks like  Adám was the one who posted the answer, because his name and icon are immediately above it. The name and icon of the actual answerer Skillmon are all the way to the right, where they are easy to miss.

![TopAnswers top right.png](/image?hash=16a1c4c6c586ca10d1421bcf5c3742c56ee1e2b84e58e14b437f2faed7063967)

It took me surprisingly long to find the "submit" button for my first post. It seems to be hidden among drop-downs that looks kind-of similar to it. I also expected it to be at the bottom below the edit window, continuing the downward flow when typing out an answer.

![TopAnswers question UI snippet2.png](/image?hash=4aa964d5b452fcf0d7e164b722f4d9aaf34a3746cbdba57bccabb6bedb068808)

The license link is much too prominent here, with the hyperlink color and underline making it stand out more than the poster and date.

![TopAnswers chat snippet.png](/image?hash=27c96554af52b71c1313d105ea6e234528cf80f81a72beb8e955c81bdc403974)

I think the time of the post should appear without mouseover. The "X minutes later" often doesn't help with this because I don't know that message was posted either.
Top Answer
James Douglas
> Often I'm browsing a question and want to return to view other questions on the site. Currently, this can be done with the "TopAnswers" link at the top left, but I'd expect that to go to a general main page. It would be nice if the site name under it linked to its question page. I also expected that re-selecting the current site from the dropdown would take me to its question page, but it just leaves me on the question.

![Screenshot 2020-03-03 at 14.18.30.png](/image?hash=8d0dd37593d3358964a1fde683d6c1dde8c069af2c65b72de288c7f0e9b1f45e)

^^^ The site switcher was updated recently, and you can now select the community you are already on (and also open a community in a new tab)

@@@ answer 842

Additionally, the site icon next to the site switcher links back to the community homepage.

> The license link is much too prominent here, with the hyperlink color and underline making it stand out more than the poster and date.

Licenses have now been moved under a "license" link on the bottom bar alongside the "edit" and "comment" links:


And when you click on it, it is replaced with the real license link(s):



and finally:

> It took me surprisingly long to find the "submit" button for my first post. It seems to be hidden among drop-downs that looks kind-of similar to it. I also expected it to be at the bottom below the edit window, continuing the downward flow when typing out an answer.

The license controls are now also hidden by default and shown on demand:

![Screenshot 2020-03-03 at 22.11.07.png](/image?hash=edfa787d4ed6dc5f1e6ea5edefba744d0445bbff152e10ca30188ff2c58a0fa0)
Answer #2
## Cleaner and more consistent post meta info

### Main post listing
![Current main listing](/image?hash=78322f1db9fad117079e68b85d76b2fd3904d1683a17051c84fc944b42ea8a2e "Current main listing")
I suggest making the white OP bar a tad taller so the right side can fit two lines containing the authorship and star info, identical to that of the answer listing; and the tags (if any). This also allows us to get rid of the "Answer:" label which serves no real purpose, and eats up precious horizontal space on narrow screens:

![Proposed main listing](/image?hash=f849577c9bbf71b7b04a556a4bd3056c2dacbe2d273de2650de07a20f02e4e7b "Proposed main listing")

### The page for a post and its answers
![Current post listing](/image?hash=0dd2fb1c961fd2e6db0939ba7b4a04fc95b8301a053574e988bbe507bcc87fb2 "Current post listing")

The OP bar should match the layout and styling of the answer bars:

![Proposed post listing](/image?hash=dc1f107ca8ae3fc16f5a3776b5591e4c0b422f1d66afad84e2e5e9af0e1ee868 "Proposed post listing")

Enter question or answer id or url (and optionally further answer ids/urls from the same question) from

Separate each id/url with a space. No need to list your own answers; they will be imported automatically.